Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Filenews 3 August 2021

The Ministry of Health recalls that, in consultation with the Cyprus Medical Association, a procedure has been established for the examination of requests for an exceptional certificate allowing for a free antigen rapid test for COVID-19 disease in a person who for medical reasons is not recommended to be vaccinated.

In order to ensure uniform, documented and equal treatment of all cases, the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Cyprus Medical Association, has set up a committee composed of Medical Officers of various specialties.

Citizens who fall into the above category and wish to obtain the certificate, for the purpose of their free examination in the rapid test workshops of the Ministry of Health, should fill in the relevant Form and send it to the e-mail address vacexceptcertification@mphs.moh.gov.cyattaching all the necessary documents mentioned in it . It should be noted that it is necessary to present an opinion from a Medical Officer of the relevant specialty with the medical reason invoked by the applicant.

Medical Officers have a responsibility to ensure that they fully substantiate the recommendation, on the basis of scientific data and in accordance with the information they received from the Cyprus Medical Association.

It is noted that applications for persons under the age of 18 will not be accepted as a free rapid antigen detection test will continue to be available in this age group.

Finally, it should be stressed that applications will only be handled when they are submitted fully completed by the presentation of the necessary accompanying documents.

This is the relevant form: