Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Filenews 18 August 2021 - by Frixos Dalitis

A domino effect of negative developments affecting Cyprus is also brought about by the return of the Taliban to Afghanistan. The crisis that has been created is expected to create new migration flows in Europe via Turkey, with the Erdogan regime seeking a dominant role in the region and at the same time increasing the pressure on Europe with the weapon of migration.

Cyprus and Greece are expected to be under the greatest pressure due to turkey's proximity and Ankara's political expediency. Nicosia and Athens are turning to Brussels, insisting on their position for increased FRONTEX patrols on the mainly southern coast of Turkey, through which the Turkish authorities have observed the promotion of migrant caravans through occupied persons in the Republic of Cyprus. The issue, as we are informed, is of great concern to the Government, with interior minister Nikos Nouris declaring his determination to raise the issue together with the counterparts of Greece, Spain, Italy and Malta at today's extraordinary meeting of the Council of The Interior and Justice of the European Union.

Today's meeting of EU interior ministers is about Lithuanian and migrant flows from Iraq, but it is expected that ministers of the five frontline countries (MED 5) will raise the issue of Afghanistan and the new data that are expected to emerge on the migration issue. The Slovenian presidency's first reaction was that it cannot be put on the agenda at the last minute, but it has signalled to the five ministers that if they wish they can put it in the context of today's meeting, which will take place via videoconference. On the part of Nicosia and Athens, it is assumed that the issue will be raised, as it is considered to be of great importance. Especially in the case of Cyprus where there is the black hole of the occupied territories and the illegal crossings through the line of opposition and that is why it will reiterate its position on the need for FRONTEX to monitor the southern Turkish areas.

In the frame of concerns of Nicosia, as we are informed, is also the situation in neighbouring Lebanon for which a meeting will be held at the Ministry of Interior with the involved Services to respond to infrastructure issues in case of increased flows.

At the same time, Cyprus has expressed, as is well known, its readiness from the first day to all countries to use the country as a server station for citizens for the evacuations that take place. Interest, as we are told, was expressed by Denmark at first, but the matter has stayed that way. The estimate is that Cyprus is considered far from Afghanistan in order to be able to be used as a station. Reports also indicate that an approach was made by the US government to be part of the joint statement issued by some 40 states.

Turkey's position and the departure of the Americans

The return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan is essentially marked by the American withdrawal from the region, as they had announced, indifferent to the negatives that this development creates for their image.

At the same time, however, it is clear that Turkey is attempting to assume a substantial and leading role in the region, taking advantage of the issue in various ways. In a statement, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said that Turkey will continue to support economic development, stability, peace and tranquility in Afghanistan.

Ankara said Ankara maintains dialogue with all parties in Afghanistan, including the Taliban, but opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu is calling on the Turkish government to withdraw soldiers from Kabul airport. The question now is whether Turkey will eventually withdraw its army, which remained as a NATO-led force after the US withdrawal at Washington's request. "The Taliban de facto took control of the country. We maintain the dialogue with all parties (in Afghanistan), including the Taliban," the Turkish Foreign Minister from Jordan said after a meeting with his Jordanian counterpart, adding: "We would like to say that we have taken a positive view of the messages given by the Taliban so far."

Mevlut Çavuşoğlu described as very sad the images of overcrowding at Kabul airport, from where thousands of people were trying to escape. As he said, their effort is to evacuate the airport safely.

He added that "we will continue to support Afghanistan's economic development, stability, peace and tranquility."