Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Filenews 28 August 2021 - by Marilena Panagi

The Aeolian bag for doctors - charlatans, who offer unscientific treatments and medicines for the coronavirus, was opened by the death of 46-year-old George Demetriou from Sotira.

More and more cases have been coming to light over the last twenty-four hours and concern mostly unvaccinated patients, who when infected follow instructions from anti-vaxxers and/or denier doctors and many of them end up in a serious condition in hospitals. Cases of doctors who prescribe recommending unapproved cocktails of drugs and vitamins to patients are also reported.

The Pancyprian Medical Association and doctors stressed yesterday that the instructions and the therapeutic protocol for the treatment of patients with coronavirus are multi-page and cover various parameters, indications and contraindications for each case. "Several patients who became ill, mostly unvaccinated, take vitamins and medicines on their own at home and as a result end up in hospitals," said bed coordinator in the wards for coronavirus patients, Christos Kypris.

The president of the Ethics Committee of the Pancyprian Medical Association, Michalis Anastasiades, called on citizens "to listen to the official recommendations of the PIS", while analyzing the content of the "cocktail" of drugs and vitamins proposed by some doctors, he underlined in a fairly strong tone that "this is not a treatment for the covid-19 disease".

From the point of view of the Police, although the case of the 46-year-old is under investigation, there does not seem to be any offense for the time being, since the doctor who treated the patient is registered in the Cyprus doctors' register and has the necessary license to practice the profession, so he is entitled to prescribe approved pharmaceutical preparations.

However, the brother of the unfortunate 46-year-old told "F" that the deceased "thought it was a simple flu. It was his personal choice not to be vaccinated and he didn't want to hear a word to the contrary."