Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 18 August 2021 - by Staff Reporter

Bishop of Morphou Neophytos

Morphou Bishop Neophytos has tested positive for the coronavirus but is so far experiencing mild symptoms, reports said on Wednesday.

Neophytos is not vaccinated.

Alpha television said the bishop had symptoms of the virus in the past few days and was tested on Tuesday.

Neophytos  has repeatedly expressed opposition to the vaccine, despite the Holy Synod encouraging the faithful to get inoculated. He said he would not get the jab, because he did not want to become like a genetically modified product.

“I will not become a mutated product of the new order of things, just like the tomatoes we eat year-round and which and are sick and tasteless. That is how the world will become, sick and tasteless,” the bishop said last December.

The bishop was also accused of breaking measures against the spread of coronavirus by encouraging his congregation to attend church services when they were banned and refused to pay a fine imposed on him for his actions