Monday, August 16, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 16 August 2021 - by Andrew Rosenbaum

Former EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier

Former EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier last week called for a five-year moratorium on all immigration into the EU — a move that would effectively ban British settlement and all others, the Marseille News reported.

The statement made by Barnier is intended to give Brussels time to assess its policy of freedom of movement among EU Member States in the Schengen accord. The French politician said lessons had to be learned after a failed asylum seeker murdered a Catholic priest who was sheltering him. Barnier insisted that the European immigration policy “does not work” and that time should be taken to review the rules.

The 70-year-old, who is preparing to be a centre-right challenger to Emmanuel Macron in next year’s presidential election, said: “I think we need to make time for three or five years to suspend immigration. ”

He added: “On the whole, immigration policy does not work in Europe as it does not work in France. That’s why I’m making this moratorium proposal.

“I try to be honest and deal with extremely serious issues. Let’s take the time to reconsider the procedures that don’t work. Let’s see why we still have people who have committed crimes.

“I am obviously thinking of Father Olivier Maire, assassinated two days ago, and I do not want to use this dramatic case, but we must learn a lesson from it.

Barnier previously warned voters were “angry” with newcomers to the continent.

France has become a destination of choice for asylum seekers due to its border with Great Britain.

Record numbers of migrants arrive in the UK after crossing the Channel in small boats.

More than 10,050 migrants have crossed in small boats this year.

The figure has already surpassed the 2020 annual record of 8,420.

UK Interior Minister Priti Patel is currently trying to sign bilateral agreements with some EU member states, but has been unsuccessful so far. Under EU rules,  national governments are normally not allowed to negotiate separately from the bloc.

The Border Force expects 22,000 people to cross the Channel in small boats this year, and thousands more are expected to be smuggled in trucks.

Speaking of the pact, Patel said: “The British people are simply fed up with illegal migration and the exploitation of migrants by criminal gangs.

“Illegal immigration is driven by serious organised criminals and smugglers.

“The public is rightly angry that small boats are coming to our shores, facilitated by appalling criminal gangs who take advantage of human misery and put lives at risk. “