Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Filenews 7 August 2021

Extremely difficult was the night for North Greece, where the nightmare continues from the fire that has taken on huge dimensions in Parnitha, Agios Stefanos and Malakasa, while an even more difficult day is forecast, as the winds in the area have already started to strengthen.

On the front of Parnitha the problem lies in Thracomacedones and Varibobi, where the flames have been in the settlements since yesterday and have burned houses, while the powerful ground forces fought a titanic battle to halt its course, but were unable to control it.

Police forces raced along with firefighters to evacuate people who did not want to leave their homes, in the hope that they could help rescue them, despite the fact that the settlements have been evacuated and with a message of 112 since last night.

On the second big front created when the flames jumped the Athens-Lamia highway, from the height of the Hippocratic State and headed towards Malakasa, things were also difficult, as the fire burnt dense pine forest, while part of it is directed towards Oropos.

As became known by the Fire Department, the front moves slowly but steadily and the thermal load is so strong that it is very difficult to stop its course, despite the very strong forces that have been operating all night, reinforced at first light of day by the aerial means.

It is noted that from the day before yesterday afternoon 5-8-2021, the Immigration Hospitality Center in Malakasa was also evacuated, and about 2,000 people who were there were transported by bus to Ritson.

The third front to Agios Stefanos is also in full swing at the edges of the settlement and has burned houses in Pefkofitos and the settlement of Pontia, while continuing to move around Marathon Lake, also slowly but steadily.

And that's where there's a battle to keep the flames from moving forward, but it hasn't been controlled at any point.

In the rest of the huge fire that has almost wiped out the wonderful forest of North Attica, the fire forces have to deal with constant flare-ups throughout the area from the height of Kryonerio and within Afidness, the Hippocratic State and Drosopigi.

New evacuations

The Vice-Register of Attica, Giorgos Patoulis, confirmed that the two serious fronts are in Malakasa where the fire was ignited and the fear is not to be led to Oropos, but also to Thracomacedones.

"Many forces should fall immediately in North Greece," he added, noting "that there will be an increase in air forces due to additional assistance from other countries," he noted. He added that there are many offers from hoteliers to accommodate citizens who have left their homes.

Around 6 a.m., 112 sent a message for the evacuation of the areas of Agia Skepi, Agia Paraskevi, Kapienia, Vrysaki, Kouremenos Hill to Drosia, via Marathon Avenue.

"If you are in the areas of Agia Paraskevi, Agia Skepi, Kapienia, Vrysaki, Kouremenos Hill, evacuate now to Drosia via Marathon Avenue. Forest fire in your area" specifically states the message sent to the mobile phones of residents by Civil Protection. These are areas around Varibobi.

The Deputy Mayor of Civil Protection Oropou, I. Dimas, said that "today this case should end as there are many fire forces and this is possible if they operate in a coordinated way. We support the work of the Fire Department in the alternative, we offer everything we are asked to do with regard to project machinery and volunteers."

"We have been in attendance since last night we have taken care of special gathering places to help residents who have had to move and support them with water and whatever else is needed. The residents are scared, but they deal with it calmly. There is a possibility that this story will end."

Assistance from the European Civil Protection Mechanism

Since yesterday they have joined the firefighting forces, firefighters and aircraft that have arrived from France, Ukraine, as well as from Cyprus who arrived first the day before in response to our country's request for assistance to the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

One hundred Ukrainians are already in Evia, 82 French in Attica, along with 40 Cypriot firefighters, as well as the two French aircraft and another caner from Croatia, while as of today 16 Israeli firefighters and two Swedish air tractor aircraft are joining the firefighting forces, while 112 firefighters with 23 vehicles and three super puma helicopters from Switzerland are currently expected from Romania. Two more aircraft from Cyprus operate in Crete.

The distribution of forces

According to the latest update from the Fire Department at this time on fires from fires apply the following:

• In the forest fire that occurred on 5 August, in the area of Vasiliki Parnithas, 720 firefighters with 40 groups of hikers, 215 vehicles, the Mobile Operational Center OLYMPOS, 3 A/F and 4 E/P of which 1 coordinator. Assistance is provided as hikers 40 firefighters from Cyprus, 80 firefighters from France and 16 from Israel. Also, assistance is provided by the Hellenic Army with pedestrian sections, EL.AS., volunteer firefighters, as well as aquifers and O.T.A. project machinery.

• The forest fire that occurred in the afternoon hours of August 3rd, in North Evia is ongoing and 246 firefighters with 10 groups of hikers, 66 vehicles and 1A/F and 2 E/P. Assistance provide 100 firefighters as a hiker section from Ukraine. Also, assistance is provided by the Coast Guard, the Hellenic Army with pedestrian sections, volunteer firefighters and the local government with aquifers and project machinery.

• The forest fire that occurred on The 4th of August in the areas, Ancient Olympia and Lambetti Ilias, is ongoing and 310 firefighters are operating, with 10 teams of hikers, 105 vehicles, S.N.E.A. team, the Mobile Operational Center OLYMPOS, 1 A/F and 2 E/P Assistance provide volunteer firefighters, aquifers and project machinery.

• The forest fire that occurred in East Mani Laconia in is ongoing and 88 firefighters with 3 groups of hikers, 25 vehicles and 1 E/P. Assistance provide volunteer firefighters and aquifers.

• The forest fire that occurred on August 4th, in Melpeia Messinia, is ongoing and 95 firefighters are operating, with 3 group of hikers, 25 vehicles and 1 E/P. Assistance provide aquifers and O.T.A. project machinery.