Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Filenews 9 August 2021

Three audios have so far released the AL Jazeera net, lasting about half an hour each; they are essentially related to a scandal in British football and black money that was even used to acquire historic teams in the country.

The research in this documentary was also a root cause for Al Jazeera's Cyprus Papers Undercover documentary on the Cyprus Investment Programme.

For the story in the three audio documents from al Jazeera's long-awaited video, posted on its website today, journalists, operating under cover, were presented as representatives of a Chinese criminal with convictions for bribery and money laundering, coming very close to an agreement to acquire Derby County. This is where reference is made to the Cyprus Investment Programme.

Specifically in the third audio, after 15 minutes, he recounts the course in order to get to the known events with the JEP and the way the team of journalists under cover in Cyprus was led, with the well-known events we saw in al Jazeera's documentary entitled The Cyprus Papers Undercover.

The content of the documentary

During their investigations they met Christopher Samuelson, a financial adviser specialising in offshore trusts and deals for football clubs.

The key to the case is that the adviser in question in the 1990s allegedly transferred hundreds of millions of dollars of oligarchs out of Russia. In addition, according to Al Jazeera, Samuelson had been subjected to money laundering investigations in several European countries, but was not charged.

The documentary will be screened after 19:00 Cyprus time.

The audio [please note Audio only]