Thursday, August 19, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 18 August 2021 - by Nick Theodoulou

Former Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci

Turkey’s end goal for the north is its annexation and for it to become a district of Turkey, according to comments made by former Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci.

He said that the process in which such a scenario may become a reality is increasingly apparent in the absence of a Cyprus solution.

The former leader also foresees Turkey instigating further nationalism through the Cyprus problem ahead of the 2023 presidential election there.

Akinci, who ousted in elections last October and replaced by Ersin Tatar, spoke to daily Yeni Duzen, further stating that the north was increasingly dependent on Turkey – a country which he said is becoming more authoritarian.

He said that the Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has been in power since 2003, is straying from the democratic process – despite a positive beginning, such as seeking a solution on the Cyprus problem.

Akinci further said that prisons in Turkey are now filled with politicians and writers, while Ankara is increasingly intervening in Cyprus.

He also said thar prior to elections in the north last year, the message to him from Ankara was to “withdraw from the race” because he could not win and even if he did, he could not stay on.