Saturday, July 10, 2021


 Filenews 10 July 2021 - by Eleftheria Paizanou

The continuation of the coronavirus pandemic and the non-timely upgrading of the Tax Department's system lead to the non-activation of welfare legislation adopted last year, which made it mandatory for all taxpayers to file a tax return, regardless of income.

When the income declarations of employees and self-employed persons for the fiscal year 2020 are submitted, those with annual incomes below €19,500 will be exempt from the obligation. What, in other words, was true in previous years.

A related decree issued by the Tax Department provides for exemption from the obligation to file the tax return for natural persons as follows: "Any natural person who during the year 2020 has a gross income not exceeding €19,500 shall be exempt from the obligation to file a tax return for the year 2020".

As we have been told, every year the Tax Department will differentiate the categories of taxpayers who will be exempt from the mandatory filing of the tax return.

At the end of the month the tax

Moreover, as 'F' informs, the electronic submission of tax returns for the 2020 tax year for other taxpayers is estimated to start around the end of the month. Taxpayers will be able to file their tax returns by the end of September and, if necessary, the Treasury will give an extension of a few weeks.

The tax department's system is upgraded because of the changes that will be in the income statement. The upgrade is carried out by a Greek company and, it seems, the coronavirus is one of the reasons why the process has not yet been completed.

Among other things, small changes are expected in the tax returns in relation to the GESY and also in relation to the legislation on rents. In particular, taxpayers who have rental income, as they do every year, will have to declare it. However, a tax credit (tax refund) will be granted to those owners of rented premises who reduce the amount of rents. Under the legislation, a tax credit is granted to homeowners and will equal 50% of the reduction to be granted to rent and must be between 30% to 50%. The discount on the rent should be for a period of one to 3 months. It is recalled that when the submission of tax returns begins, taxpayers can proceed to temporary custody and final submission. By temporarily keeping their tax return, taxpayers can re-edit it at a later time, and after the final submission of the tax return no changes can be made by the taxpayer. In previous years, taxpayers who, although filling out their tax returns on time, left them in temporary custody, so that some forget to submit them permanently, and were asked to pay a €100 fine due to late submission.