Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Filenews 14 July 2021 - by Angelos Nikolaou

It is not enough that illegally operates a well-known beach bar in Argaka, residents and visitors of the area publish in recent days on social media audiovisual material and photos with live music and throwing fireworks in the evening hours. It is one of the spawning areas of the Caretta Caretta sea turtles and to this end the Provincial Administration will remove the operation of the illegal construction and operation of the beach bar within the protected area.

The illegal construction and operation of the coastal recreation center has been erected on state gravel land on the administrative boundaries of the community of Gialia. Arbitrary interventions and illegal constructions include the removal and flattening of sand ecosystems, the transport and placement of carrying materials, the creation of a car park, the cultivation of turf and the planting of non-native species, the installation of an irrigation system, the transfer of electricity from an adjacent restaurant, as well as the sealing of land, due to the construction of a coastal recreation centre called "Caretta Caretta Beach Bar".

Arbitrary interventions and illegal constructions fall entirely within the area of the Natura 2000 TSC/EZD Area of Polis – Galia, are not directly linked and are not necessary for the management of the protected area, but may affect it significantly, in themselves or jointly with other projects, and/or activities.

However, they were carried out without undergoing an appropriate environmental impact assessment/special ecological assessment, in violation of Section 16 of the Nature Protection and Management and Wildlife Act 2003 to 2015, as well as Section 33 of the Environmental Impact Assessment by Certain Projects Act 2018. In addition, arbitrary interventions and illegal constructions were carried out by private individuals without prior granting any planning and/or building permit, in violation of the Planning and Spatial Planning Act of 1972 to 2019, as well as the Roads and Buildings Regulation Act (KEF.96) of 1946 to 2019.

The Prefect of Paphos, Mary Lambrou, told "F" that the Provincial Administration is preparing for demolition with a workshop regarding the bar in Argaka. The Department of Fisheries and the Department of the Environment are awaiting an update from the Provincial Administration since there is a significant nesting of the Caretta Caretta turtle in the area. According to the Department of Fisheries, the use of the beach as organized is permitted, but under conditions. Among other things during the laying season of turtles there should be no lighting at night, beyond what is absolutely necessary.

The bar is located within the Natura 2000 Special Conservation Zone (EZD) area "Polis-Gilia Area". The protected area has joined the network due to the existence of important types of natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, which are in need of protection and are species of Community interest, such as sea turtles. This area is, inter alia, an important breeding habitat of the Caretta Caretta sea turtle, which is a priority species, i.e. a wildlife species at risk of extinction at Community level. For the conservation of the species, the European Union bears a particular responsibility, given the limited size of the part of its natural distribution within the territory of its Member States.