Monday, July 12, 2021


 Filenews 12 July 2021

Clarifications and information to employers and self-employed persons is given in a communication by the Department of Labour Inspection (TES) of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, due to the increased temperatures and humidity that are likely to create a very severe heat wave and impose the interruption and/or regulation/restriction of work.

As the Press and Information Office reports, these conditions may endanger workers working exposed to heat stress and/or seriously affect their health.

The Department of Labour Inspection also recalls that both employers and self-employed persons must measure, in the places where they carry out work, the parameters that contribute to heat stress.

'In accordance with the prevailing conditions of air temperature (under shade) and relative humidity, they must regulate their operations accordingly and apply a change in each work or a rest or interruption of work, depending on the type of work carried out, as well as other appropriate and adequate measures (organisational and technical), in cooperation with the local Workers' Safety Representatives, to avoid or reduce thermal stress, such as organising working time so that heavy work is carried out during the cooler hours of the day, organising frequent short breaks for rest in a shady, cool place or suitably air-conditioned area or in a fan area where possible, configuration/selection of a shaded place or construction of suitable shelters to carry out the work, where possible', it is stated.

In addition, the Department of Labour Inspection advises that workers be switched to work according to the type of activity carried out and that, where possible, hard work in the open during the hottest hours of the day (12:00-6:00), disposal to workers of drinking cool water (temperature 10 - 15oC), administration and use by workers of an appropriate head cover, use by workers of light, relaxed breathing clothing (such as cotton articles) and use of appropriate sunglasses, avoidance of large meals or sugary foods or ingestion of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages and training of workers.

It is further clarified that, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Practice (Tables 12 and 13), for temperature conditions of 39oC to 44oC

For more information, interested parties can be informed by the website of the T.E.E. in the thermal stress section and/or contact the Inspectors at the local District Offices of the Department at the following telephone numbers:

Nicosia - 22879191

Limassol - 25827200

Larnaca - 24805327

Paphos - 26822715

Famagusta - 23819750