Saturday, July 24, 2021



Latest notices for traders from Defra

Defra has issued notices for traders on importing Goods from the EU, an updated Border Operating Model and the Northern Ireland Protocol

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Please note that the information in this page has been issued by Defra, not the Government Chemist, and it is published to increase dissemination amongst Government Chemist stakeholders.

Importing Goods from the European Union (EU) from 1 October 2021

New actions required for businesses importing products of animal origin into Great Britain from the EU.

From 1 October 2021, there will be new requirements to continue importing animal products for both human consumption and non-human consumption from the European Union into Great Britain.

Some of the requirements include: pre-notifying authorities that consignments will be entering Great Britain and uploading a certified Export Health Certificate using the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).

It is important that businesses take the necessary preparatory steps to ensure they can comply with the new requirements. To assist you with this, Defra will be holding webinars for traders with a panel of experts to give you more information and to answer your questions.


Webinar full schedule

  • Importing Products of Animal Origin (9 Aug and 13 Sept)

  • Importing Animal by-Products (10 Aug and 14 Sept)

  • Importing composite products (11 Aug and 15 Sept)

  • Importing groupage loads (12 Aug and 16 Sept)

  • How to register for the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) - four dates in August

  • How to raise an importer notification using IPAFFS - 11 dates in August and September

Updated Border Operating Model published

An updated Border Operating Model was published on Tuesday, 20th July. This reflects the revised timetable for introduction of the next stage of UK import requirements as well as including additional detail on policies and processes. Please see the accompanying written statement made by Lord Frost.

Northern Ireland Protocol Command Paper

The Government published a Command Paper on 21 July setting out that it is seeking to negotiate significant changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

You can also read the accompanying press release.

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Brandon Lewis, also made an oral statement to the House of Commons.