Filenews 31 July 2021
Those vaccinated against coronavirus report particular symptoms that reveal they have re-introduced SARS-CoV-2 according to available data from the UK national NHS health system.
According to the NHS the three key symptoms of Covid-19 are persistent coughing, high fever and loss of taste or smell. However experts warn that these symptoms may be different in those vaccinated against coronavirus.
Based on data collected by the ZOE Symptom Tracker app, the approved app used in Britain to monitor the course of coronavirus, experts recorded four key symptoms of new coronavirus infection presented to vaccinated patients.
Sneezing is considered one of the main symptoms reported by vaccinated Britons. Sneezing is not a typical symptom of coronavirus disease and is often attributed to allergies. However, in the case of vaccinated continuous sneezing for no apparent reason, it may be a symptom of Covid-19 and not an allergy.
Experts also point out that headache, runny nose and sore throat are the main symptoms reported by re-diseased coronavirus vaccinated.
Data on these symptoms come from the data of 2,278 vaccinated British adults with positive coronavirus detection tests who updated the ZOE Symptom Tracker app with their symptoms.
Experts analysed the data and compared them with vaccinated adults found negative for coronavirus as well as unvaccinated adults with positive coronavirus tests.
It should be noted, however, that the experts did not reveal whether this data involved vaccinated persons with both doses or only at once.
Experts stress that sneezing may be a possible symptom that someone vaccinated has been infected with Covid-19 and, however mild the infection should be examined and isolated to protect friends and relatives.