Sunday, July 4, 2021

ARAKAPAS FIRE - 4 DEAD, 67-YEAR OLD IN CUSTODY [updated - estimated 50 homes destroyed across 7 communities]

 Filenews 4 July 2021

At the first light of day, ground and air efforts to limit the spread of the huge fire that alarmed the whole of Cyprus have resumed. The forces are fighting with time as from 09:00, the weather conditions are not expected to be favourable.

The Department of Forests announces that the situation of the fire that occurred yesterday in the community of Arakapas and extended to the communities of Heptagonia, Acapnos, Oras, Meline, Sykopetras, Odos, Agioi Vavatsinia and Vavatsinia, is improved, but remains extremely difficult. So far the burnt area amounts to about 50 square kilometres and there are 5 active fronts of the fire, concludes the Department of Forests.

Today, aircraft from Italy and Israel are expected to arrive in Cyprus to assist in the firefighting work, while as of last night one of the two planes arrived from Greece.

The Fnews team and its correspondents, Ioanna Mantziepa and Pambos Vasilas, in Limassol and Larnaca respectively, in the fight for information. 

By Ioanna Mantziepa

Four people missing in the area of Odos after yesterday's fires were found dead within 400 metres of their burnt-out car outside the village. These are Egyptians who worked in fields. As reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nikos Nouris, the four people were found charred.

Meanwhile, fires continue to rage in the mountainous areas of Limassol and Larnaca. They've been operating 11 flights since this morning. "The situation is clearly improved compared to yesterday. There are currently five active fronts," said Forest Department Director Charalambos Alexandros.

He said more than 70 fire trucks had been thrown into the battle to extinguish the huge fire fighting, and several fire trucks were also assisting.

The aerial means have literally been thrown into battle with an ally of the existing weather conditions since as announced yesterday after 9 a.m. strong winds will blow.

Filenews 4 July 2021

The situation remains difficult, Government Spokesman Marios Pelekanos said this morning, referring to the continuing efforts to extinguish the devastating fire in mountainous areas of Limassol and Larnaca.

In a statement to reporters at the Management Centre in the Vavatsini region, Mr. Pelekanos said that "the plan drawn up at last night's meeting has not been substantially differentiated, since the results of the mapping by the drones have not changed much.

The large outbreaks that develop in some areas, such as between the villages of Odos and Agioi Vavatsinias, are monitored. There is more emphasis, as it is an area difficult for flight instruments, so there is a movement of ground forces to that area.

There is optimism, but the situation remains difficult, it is constantly assessed and decisions are taken depending on how evolution occurs with outbreaks of resurgence.

We expect in the next few hours that one plane from Greece will also enter the battle - unfortunately, the second plane, due to a technical problem, was forced to return to Greece - and of course both planes coming from Israel, and an update is expected on the two planes coming from Italy."

Asked about the report of the disaster so far, Mr Pelekanos said that "our priority at the moment is to extinguish the fire. We are thinking about the next day, there are already some early thoughts on how to manage the situation immediately after we win the battle with the flames, but at the moment all efforts are focused on extinguishing the fire, without ignoring the help that must be offered to those who, unfortunately, have lost their roof. All the arrangements have been made, there is no household left without shelter last night, and of course for feeding them."

Asked what last night was like for him, the Spokesperson said that "it was an evening that we spent in front of a screen and with the help of the experts we were constantly evaluating the data. I wouldn't say it was an ordinary night for me, but it was a pretty instructive night and we need to learn from that night.'

Asked to refer to the work of firefighters, the Spokesman said that "it is a touching effort, not only of firefighters, but of the whole world who are here whether they are officers of the Department of Forestry, Fire, Police, National Guard, everyone. And what struck me most is that people who asked him to go to rest insisted on continuing to be here and fighting."

Ioanna Mantziepa

The 67-year-old, who was arrested on suspicion of the fire in Arakapas, appeared before the Limassol District Court on Sunday morning.

The 67-year-old was not represented by a lawyer and faces the offence of arson.

As the case examiner tells the court, more than 200 testimonies are expected to be taken. He added that it was not out of the question that the offences would change.

The court approved the police request and placed the 67-year-old in custody for an eight-day period.

It is recalled that investigators arrived at his arrest after securing testimony that he was scorching his field. The same interviewer continues to deny involvement.

Filenews 4.30pm

Ground and air efforts are continuing to bring under control the huge fire that set the whole of Cyprus on alert.

The Director of the Department of Forestry said that the situation is controlled, there is no longer an active front, but there are constant flare-ups, for which they continue to fight on the perimeter of the fire (about 40 kilometres).

Interior Minister Nikos Nouris also said about 50 homes were destroyed in the seven fire-affected communities. In the first year, numerical damage has been recorded.

Meanwhile, the confirmation of four dead from the fire, outside the Street community, has shocked the citizens.

The two canadair aircraft from Greece have started operating, while in Cyprus both aircraft from Israel are located.

The Fenews team and its correspondents, Ioanna Mantziepa and Pambos Vasilas, in Limassol and Larnaca respectively, in the fight for information.