Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Filenews 20 July 2021

A series of new measures to contain the pandemic decided by the Council of Ministers last Friday come into force from today, Tuesday.

These relate to the suspension of camps. Camps in progress must be suspended as soon as the current hosting of people is terminated by 23 July at the latest.

Regulars are also allowed to serve in dining areas, nightclubs, banquet areas, record stores and other entertainment venues exclusively in table seats with a maximum of 10 people per table. All regulars must be seated and in all cases dancing is prohibited. The ban on dancing excludes premises/businesses that will only accommodate fully vaccinated persons or persons who have a COVID-19 recovery certificate in the last six months. The owner/manager of the premises must inform the Ministry of Health in writing that only fully vaccinated persons or persons who have been sick with COVID-19 in the last 6 months will be accepted in his premises.

SafePass is also introduced in all indoor and outdoor areas where more than 20 people, including employees of the company, gather at all times until 31 July.

SafePass is also requested to serve citizens in public, general public and private sector services, banks, Local Government, Mass Transportation, ferry passenger boats, etc.

From today, visits to nursing homes and/or other accommodation and care facilities for the elderly are prohibited, with the exception of people who have SafePass. It is not recommended to leave the tenants. On their return to their place of residence, a negative result from a rapid test should be provided.

Finally, the maximum number of people indoors is increased from 350 to 450 persons, provided that all persons are fully vaccinated or have been treated with COVID-19 in the last 6 months. The owner/manager of the premises must inform the Ministry of Health that in his premises he will only accept fully vaccinated persons or persons who have been sick with COVID-19 in the last 6 months, in order to give him approval.
