Filenews 19 June 2021
Please note that these notes are a translation from the Greek - once the official English version is published, this will be shown.
New health directives include the protocol adopted by the Ministry of Health on the operation of food restaurants from 1 July.
Restaurants (restaurants, taverns, cafes, pubs, snack bars and bars, cafes, dining areas within shopping centres, dining areas within hotels and tourist accommodations, canteens and/or sports groups, cultural groups, clubs, clubs, etc.) may operate, subject to the following conditions:
Indoors, persons aged 12 years and over shall have a negative laboratory or rapid antigen detection test for COVID-19 disease with sampling carried out within 72 hours, or a vaccination certificate for COVID-19 disease at least at one dose and provided that a period of three weeks has passed after the date of vaccination. , or proof of release in the case of persons ill with COVID-19 disease and provided that no period of six months has passed since the date of sampling of their initial positive diagnosis,
In each premises, appoint a safety and health officer of the store and establish a register (SARS-CoV-2 incident manager, person responsible for completing and maintaining a staff register for antigen/safe pass tests, reference person during checks).
The 2 sq.m. per person is set for all spaces e.g. if a dining area has 400 m2 in an outdoor/indoor space it could serve up to 200 people if the location of the tables as described below allows this number.
Mandatory service exclusively in table seats. Maximum number of people per table 10 people.
Provision must be made when setting tables so that from chair to chair between different tables in all directions there is a distance of at least one metre (1).
The operation and use of bars inside and outside the dining areas is limited solely to the preparation of food or beverages by employees and direct service from the bar is prohibited, with the exception of cafés which according to their function the public is directly served by the beverage preparation area. It is understood that the marking on the ground distance of two metres should be observed, use of a mask while waiting. The maximum number of people on the waiting/service line in the interior should not exceed 10 people.
From 1 July the bars that are part of the service of a dining area are allowed to sit or stand 5 people with a distance of 1 m from the next group with similar possibility and with an intermediate distance of 1m. For example, if someone is alone the seat next to them will have 1 m distance; the same will apply from the last person in a group, etc.
The maximum number of persons authorised to be outdoors must be posted at the entrance of each premises, the responsibility for keeping the maximum number of persons shall lie with the person responsible for the operation. The maximum number is calculated on the basis of the area of the open space as mentioned above.
Existence, in a clear position at the entrances and where applied to the outlets of all premises, bottle of alcoholic solution (with infusion pump and base) for hand hygiene, for the use of customers.
Mandatory proper use of masks by all workers throughout the working period (with the exception of chefs) - Recommendation for the possible use of a simple surgical mask. The serving of people without the use of a face mask is prohibited. When receiving the order, the waiter should be at least one metre away from the table, and the serving should be done quickly in order to reduce the exposure time in close contact between the waiter and the customers.
The use of the mask is required during the attendance inside a recreation area but also during any movement within the area and during departure.
It is recommended where possible to use a disposable menu/price list or poster in prominent places inside and outside the premises or available electronically. Otherwise the list should be thoroughly disinfected after each use (e.g. laminated, waterproof).
The operation of children's playgrounds is permitted in accordance with the provisions and conditions set out in the respective Decree.
The provision and use of hookahs in outdoor dining areas as defined in the Health (Smoking Control) Act 2017 is permitted under the following conditions.
1. Serving the hookah will be strictly individual. It will be expressly forbidden to share one's hookah with any other person in his company.
2. The preparation of the hookah will be carried out by the specialist in a separate hookah device with his own rubber and then the prepared bowl with the smoke and charcoal will be placed in the client's hookah.
3. All internal parts of the hookah and rubber shall be thoroughly disinfected with specialized steam engines before and after any use. (responsibility for supplying a machine to a service provider's store)
In case of buffet serving:
- Mandatory use of a mask and maintenance of a distance of at least one metre.
- The exhibition area of the food is cut off in an obvious and satisfactory way and the entrance - exit of persons is regulated. At peak times, where the number of customers exceeds the maximum number of seats available, the entry-exit and queue setting is controlled by a qualified person.
- It is recommended to place a protective divider (from plexiglass) between customer and food where possible.
- When entering the food exhibition area, in cases where the customer is served by the buffet alone, the proper use of the antiseptic station and mask is ensured by the customers, before they come into contact with equipment (plates, tongs) or food and in cases where the buffet is served only by the catering staff , staff will bring appropriate personal protective measures and adhere to strict hygiene rules.
- Fast customer service is facilitated by providing appropriate means of serving for quick transit. The aim is to reduce the time spent there between 1-2 minutes. It goes without saying that every time he returns to the buffet there will be disinfection and a waiting line, unless better solutions are found.
- It is recommended where possible to provide prepared portions or easily self-serving food or drinks. An example is the breads or individual buns/sweets. It is recommended to take into account the environmental aspect in the use of sharing or wrapping materials.
- Serving tongs are a critical point. If the use of forceps by customers is unavoidable for some type of food, then there must be a nearby hand disinfection station, and/or disposable gloves for compulsory use by the customer before handling the to forceps, as well as the address of the hotel/tourist accommodation to ensure frequent change of forceps.
- The performance of buffet work by the staff includes strict personal protective measures, hand disinfection at a time and a protective mask.
Until different arrangement by Decree, regardless of the type of music offered, dancing on a dance floor is prohibited, regulars will be able to have fun around the space to which the table that has been designated its position belongs.
It is recommended to avoid the use of multi-use tablecloths.
After each customer withdrawal, the tables should be cleaned and disinfected.
Decrease to the extent possible of cash transactions and instead promote contactless transactions.
Personal hygiene instructions to workers/suppliers in dining areas
- People with symptoms of respiratory infection should not come to work and contact their personal doctor for further instructions.
-In the event of a suspicious incident (employee/customer), the instructions in Annex 2 Guide to the management of a suspicious case Covid-19 shall apply at the workplace located at the address below.
- Suppliers will take personal protective measures, use a hand disinfection mask, distances and follow the instructions of the premises Security Officer.
- A joint break between employees is prohibited. The work programme should be organised in such a way that each employee takes a break alone and preferably outdoors.
- Avoid hand contact with the eyes, nose and mouth to reduce the risk of infection with the virus.
- Avoid talking, drinking or inhaling-exhale deeply when handling open food.
- Coughing or sneezing, covering the nose and mouth with the sleeve at elbow height or with a tissue. The used tissue should be discarded immediately after use in the trash cans.
- Regular washing of workers' hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Careful drying of hands with disposable paper hand towels which will be discarded in the trash cans. Hand washing should be necessary after contact with respiratory secretions and after use of the toilet.
Cleaning and disinfection instructions for cleaning staff within the premises.
- Careful and frequent cleaning of items of common use.
- Particular care should be taken for the systematic, adequate and continuous natural ventilation of all spaces and with particular emphasis on the areas where the staff works (kitchen).
- All surfaces floors, benches, coffers, sanitary areas (floors, basins, washbasins, etc.) must be kept clean and disinfected at regular intervals during the day.
- In addition to the usual cleaning operations, frequent cleaning of commonly used smooth surfaces (e.g. knobs, handles, handrails or railings, lifts, switches, taps, etc.) with common cleaners, i.e. liquid soap and water, or 10% household bleach solution (1 part household bleach diluted in 10 parts water) or alcoholic antiseptic (70% alcohol content).
Please note that cleaning operations should be carried out using gloves.
- Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the objects and surfaces with which a person who has experienced symptoms of virus has come into contact.
- The plastic bags of the bins, when filled, must be tightly tied and removed immediately. Gloves after use should be disposed of immediately in plastic bags of waste bins and no cleaning efforts should be made, e.g. washing disposable gloves and reusing them.
Supply of toilets with liquid soap, disposable hand towels (which will be disposed of in foot-operated bins near the washbasin), and antiseptic alcoholic solution (70% alcohol content).