Thursday, May 13, 2021



From Cyprus Police:

May 12: AntiRansomwareDay2021



Ransomware cyberattacks are one of the biggest problems facing the authorities in recent years against                                              cybercrime. Complaints of attacks on computers and systems, organisations, companies and ordinary citizens                                  amount to hundreds of thousands each year. These are attacks on computers with malware or if you                                                prefer ransomware, which prevents victims from accessing their computer system by encrypting their files.                            Essentially, that is, with this software, criminals lock the files and system of the computer and ask their                                                  victims to pay a ransom for unlocking it. Spreading malware is very easy, as it can spread on its own,                                              through the internet and various infected websites.


The enormous scale of this problem has mobilised the authorities and private companies to deal with it.                                                 Joining forces and efforts was created in July 2016, the website "No More Ransom!" -,                                with the aim of informing the public about this online threat and helping victims of attacks recover their data.                                    The Cyprus Police and in particular the Electronic Crime Sub-Directorate are also involved in this action.


Through the site, users who are victims of such attacks can learn about the type of malware that infected                                              their computer and whether a decryption tool is available to recover their files. The relevant decryption tools                                           for malicious software of the kind of ransomware are available through the website "No More Ransom!".                                    This allows all victims of ransomware attacks to unlock their records without having to pay ransoms to deft                                people.


The website, which is available in various languages, including Greek, over time managed to cooperate 

overall with a large number of law enforcement agencies and agencies, including the Cyprus Police. It has 

helped tens of thousands of users recover their files after ransomware cyberattacks, saving millions in cash

as a ransom payment to perpetrators.


However, despite the important step taken with the creation of the "No More Ransom!" website and the 

continuous upgrades of what it offers, there is still a long way to go to combat this problem definitively. 

As the website states, "it is much easier to avoid the threat than to combat it when the system is 

affected." For this reason, every internet user should be informed and take appropriate preventive 

measures, since the best solution to dealing with ransomware-type cyberattacks is diligent prevention.


Simple prevention measures that internet users are encouraged to take are:


Keep a backup of important data on  a separate data storage medium

Use reliable and up-to-date antivirus programs

Do not download files from suspicious sources

Do not open attached e-mail files  from unknown senders


Every user should also be aware that if he falls victim to such deft, he should under no circumstances pay 

the ransom demanded, as there are not a few times that despite the payment of the ransom, the deft 

came back asking for more money. In such cases, the user-victim should immediately inform the Police.


For more information and prevention advice, the public can visit the "No More Ransom!" 
