Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Filenews 22 May 2021

Europe is gradually returning to normality following the increase in vaccinations, while the "Indian" B.1.617 mutation continues to cause concern despite an increase in attacks in some countries.

The number of confirmed crown virus attacks in Germany increased by 7,082 to 3,642,244, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on infectious diseases announced today. According to these figures, the number of deaths increased by 170 to 87,298.

In Britain only 15 people out of 60,000 who took part in mass gatherings, without wearing a mask or keeping their distance, as part of pilot tests tested positive for the new coronavirus, the Department of Health announced.

In the last 24 hours, there have been 5,218 incidents in Italy and 218 people have died.

All adult residents of a district of Bordeaux, in southwestern France, will be able to be vaccinated quickly and without conditions, after an outbreak of an "alarming" variant of the new crown virus was detected there.


A partial sense of normality returns to Europe this week as governments lift some of the restrictions in place to halt the pandemic as coronavirus infections decline and the global vaccination campaign against COVID-19 accelerates.

Around 30% of citizens in Italy, France, Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the crown virus vaccine, while in Germany the corresponding figure is 37% and in Britain 55%.

Europe has recorded a 60% drop in the number of infections in the past month , the World Health Organisation announced on Thursday even though, as one senior official warned, "this progress is fragile". Earlier this week EU members agreed to reopen their borders for tourists from countries considered low risk as well as those who have been fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine.

The number of new infections reported weekly in Europe fell from 1.7 million in mid-April to almost 685,000 last week. The alarming variants of the virus that appeared to be spreading in the bloc remain alarming especially as the easing of restrictions has brought more confusion.

series of restrictive measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic have been lifted in Austria and the focus, tourism, culture and sport sectors have been reopening across the country since Wednesday.

Belgium plans to relax almost all of its lockdown measures from 9 June, provided that the momentum of its vaccination campaign is maintained and the number of hospitalised in intensive care units remains below 500. At the beginning of the month the country had opened the outdoor areas of the restaurants.

Non-essential retail outlets in England reopened on 12 April along with the outdoor areas of pubs and restaurants. Interiors in the hospitality industry, cinemas, theatres and sports facilities reopened on 17 May.

France began to relax the nightly curfew and reopened the outdoor areas of its cafes, bars and restaurants on 19 May but with 50% of their reception capacity, with a total of 6 people per table and only until 21:00.

Germany has relaxed restrictions on those who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from the virus since 9 May, lifting curfews and quarantine rules as well as the obligation to show negative crown tests for hairdressers, zoos and shopping in shops.

Curfews in Spain were imposed in most of the country on 9 May.

In Italy, cafes, bars, restaurants, cinemas and theatres have partially opened in most areas on 26 April, while restaurant interiors will be open from 1 June.

In Croatia, bars and restaurants are reopening, but guests must sit outdoors.

Norway will take the next big step in lifting restrictions on the pandemic on May 27 allowing more people to gather and drink alcohol in bars and restaurants by midnight.

The Netherlands lifted its national curfew on 28 April.

Poland reopened shopping malls on May 4th, hotels from May 8th and restaurants can serve customers outdoors from May 15th.

In Portugal the alert period expired on 3 May and the lockdown was phased out.

Turkey began relaxing the lockdown on 17 May by allowing daytime travel, while keeping the curfew in place at night and on weekends until 1 June.

The Czech Republic, which recorded one of the highest death rates by Covid at the beginning of the year, reopened the outdoor areas of the restaurants on Monday, while concerts and theatrical performances will also begin, but only outdoors.
