Filenews 30 April 2021
The Cyprus Obstetric and Gynaecological Society (MGE) recommends that all pregnant women and those trying to become pregnant be vaccinated against COVID-19, noting that the vaccine is safe and that there is a very rare complication, in one vaccinated per 250 thousand, that of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. In fact, it recommends PfizerBiotech and Moderna vaccines for pregnant women.
In a statement, the MGE says it is monitoring developments and new data with COVID-19 in Pregnancy and Assisted Reproduction and follows the guidelines of internationally recognized scientific organizations of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The Communication also states that the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for nursing mothers and those who will need medically assisted reproduction.
"The vaccine does not affect a woman's fertility and is recommended to pregnant women after the first trimester and to those who will need medically assisted reproduction methods," she says.
The communication also states that Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna vaccines "have the most experience in relation to pregnant women and that ninety (90) thousand women in the United States of America vaccinated with Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna vaccines have had no serious complications in them and their unborn babies".
"Today's data preferably recommend PfizerBiotech and Moderna vaccines for pregnant women and people under 30 years of age," it noted.
Source: eyenews/CYPE