Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Filenews 3 April 2021

A prerequisite for maintaining our epidemiological picture at a controlled level is compliance with health protocols and personal protection measures, the Minister of Health, Mr Konstantinos Ioannou, said today.

Speaking during a visit to a sampling point with the President of the Democratic Alarm and Mayor Strovolos, Mr Ioannou, when asked if yesterday's cases were of concern, pointed out that the results of the whole week are worrying. "We have long stressed that compliance with health protocols is also a prerequisite for maintaining the epidemiological picture. In addition to the targeted and population tests we do, a very important tool that enables us in a timely manner to detect infections, isolate, detect and limit the spread of the virus, it is also necessary to observe the health protocols and personal protection measures. Any complacency or relaxation will lead to a deterioration in epidemiological data", stressed the Minister.

Continuing and referring to the positivity rate of the last few days, Mr Ioannou noted that "in the last week unfortunately we have seen an increase in positivity especially in rapid tests, around 50%, from 0.4% has increased to 0.6%. This is worrying, expected to be a point due to the relaxations that had taken place weeks ago. On this occasion we once again appeal to the public to cooperate, to respect individual protection measures. It's the only way to prevent the virus from spreading.

In order for our strategy to work and work, we rely on the triptych of vaccinations - which normally proceeds with the vaccination plan and this week we expect around 60,000 doses of vaccines - to comply with the measures in parallel with the many diagnostic tests carried out. In order for it to work (ie the strategy) all three components of the strategy are necessary".

Asked if there was an intention to take more dynamic measures, given that more stringent measures are being taken in many European states, Mr Ioannou said that in most countries since last November they have been in lockdown. "We are the country that last entered a lockdown and came out first from the lockdown and this is also due to the cooperation of the public, but it is also due to our strategy with the many and targeted tests. Especially with mutations, tests are our essential element and it's what keeps us the picture and allows us to hold back the numbers," he noted. He added that in most countries there are still strict restrictive measures, restaurants, retail, etc. remain closed. "I hope if we maintain this image, we are towards the end, we understand the fatigue of the world but by mid-May to the end of May we will have developed immunity through vaccination, which should allow us to remove any restrictions," stressed the Minister of Health.

Asked if plans are also being made in Cyprus to take advantage of self-testing, as is already being done in Greece for the opening of schools, the Minister pointed to the fact that in Cyprus rapid tests are being carried out on a weekly basis in schools for all pupils. "It makes a huge difference to self-testing, which is up to each person to do it, rather than to carry it out ourselves, to make sure that all students take the test, the results are declared and the tracing begins immediately. So we are one step ahead of it," explained Mr Ioannou.

Asked about promoting a stricter legislative framework for cases where a professor refuses to undergo a test, the Minister of Health noted that there are not many such cases and explained that this is not currently the case. "The important thing is to understand the necessity and usefulness of the tests, to come and do the tests. I understand that some people refuse, but there are ways of resolving it through the Ministry of Education," said Mr. Ioannou.

Source: eyenews