Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 Filenews 20 April 2021

A total of 20 cases were detected in nursing homes, of which 14 are in Nicosia, five in Paphos and one in Larnaca.

The 14 cases reportedly detected at a nursing home in Nicosia involve one worker and 13 residents who were vaccinated with both doses of Pfizer vaccine and show no symptoms. At the same time, they underwent a PCR test, the results of which are expected within two days.

The detection of cases in nursing homes is of great concern, since positive cases were low. Note that although most have been vaccinated, this does not mean that, firstly, they cannot get sick and secondly, they cannot transmit the virus.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Health in relation to vaccination, no vaccine is 100% effective. So in some cases someone may get sick from the new coronavirus even though they've had the vaccine. Citizens should therefore continue to take the recommended precautions to avoid infection, i.e. vaccinated people should continue to use a mask, observe social distance, regular and thorough hand hygiene and cleanliness of the place where they live or work.

Vaccines against COVID-19 disease appear to reduce the likelihood of someone being sick with the disease. Each vaccine has undergone clinical trials in various countries and has an acceptable safety profile. More than 65,000,000 doses have already been administered in 56 countries worldwide. It takes a few weeks for someone to develop immunity and be protected after administration of the vaccine. Some people may get COVID-19 despite being vaccinated, but the disease may be less severe.

The new vaccines, as shown by clinical trials, reduce the risk of developing symptoms and possibly the risk of severe virus disease. This is very important, because at the same time the risk of hospitalizations, the risk of loss of life and possibly the risk of long-term complications caused by the virus in some patients, such as complications from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, are reduced.

Source: eyenews