Monday, April 26, 2021


 Filenews 26 April 2021

A budget deficit of €568.9m, compared with a deficit of €280.3m in 2014. for the period October - December 2019, the General Government presented the corresponding period 2020, according to preliminary budgetary results prepared by the Statistical Office.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, expenditure increased by €178.9 million. (+6.2%), while revenues decreased by €109.6 million in 2014, while revenues decreased by €109.6 million. (-4,2%) with the Statistical Office noting that increases in certain categories of expenditure and revenue are partly attributed to the full implementation of the General Health Plan from 1 June 2020.


In particular, according to the Statistical Office, total expenditure in the period October-December 2020 increased by €178.9 million. (+6,2%) amounted to €3,087.7 million. compared to €2,908.8 million in the same time as €2,908.8 million in the previous year. corresponding period of 2019.

In particular, of the main categories of expenditure, social benefits increased by €210.4 million. (+22,2%) amounted to €1,159.1 million. compared to €948.7m in the same time as €948.7m in 2014. in the corresponding quarter of 2019.

Staff salaries (including imputed social contributions and civil servants' pensions) increased by €44.8m in 2014. (+5,1%) amounted to €920.4 million. compared to €875.6m in the same time as €875.6m in 2014. in the fourth quarter of 2019, while subsidies increased by €58.2 million in the first quarter of 2019. amounted to €96.5 million. compared to €38.3m in the same time as €38.3m in 2014. in the corresponding quarter of 2019.

In addition, the capital account was reduced by €28.1m in 2014. (-7,6%) and was limited to €340.5 million. (€302.8 million capital investments and €37.7 million capital transfers) compared to €368.6 million in 2014. (€321.3 million capital investments and €47.3 million capital transfers) in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Finally, intermediate consumption decreased by €54.7 million in 2014, while the average consumption decreased by €54.7 million. (-15,3%) and was limited to €303.5 million. compared to €358.2m in the same time as €358.2m in 2014. in the corresponding quarter of 2019.


In addition, total revenues in the period October-December 2020, according to the Statistical Office, decreased by €109.6 million. (-4,2%) and were limited to €2,518.9 million. compared to €2,628.5 million in the same time as €2,628.5 million in the same time as €2,628.5 million in the corresponding period of 2019.

In particular, of the main categories of revenue, taxes on production and imports decreased by €130.0 million. (-16,0%) and limited €684.3 million. compared to €814.3 in the corresponding quarter of 2019, of which net VAT revenue (after deduction of refunds) decreased by €87.9 million. (-18,7%) and were limited to €381.2 million. compared to €469.1 in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Service revenue slumped by €105.3m in 2014 to €105.3m in 2014. (-32,6%) and limited €217.5 million. compared to €322.8 in the corresponding quarter of 2019.

By contrast, social contributions increased by €36.5m in 2014, up from €36.5m in 2014. (+5,2%) amounted to €737.3 million. compared to €700.8m in the same time as €700.8m in 2014. fourth quarter of 2019. Tax revenues on income and wealth increased by €68.4m in 2014, up from €68.4m in 2014. (+11,5%) amounted to €663.6 million. compared to €595.2m in the same time as €595.2m in 2014. in the corresponding quarter of 2019.

The increase in expenditure and the decrease in revenues for the period October-December 2020 are due significantly to the measures taken to support enterprises and to suspend the work of various sectors of the economy, respectively, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
