Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 27 April 2021 - by Annette Chrysostomou

All fuel tanks of Hellenic Petroleum on the coastal front of Larnaca have been demolished, it was announced on Tuesday.

“The demolition works of the tanks located at the facilities of the Hellenic Petroleum Group in Larnaca have been completed,” the company announced.

The last tank was removed on Thursday, “while the view to the sea is now unobstructed”.

The company said it dismantled all tanks in less than a month, complying with all safety protocols, and the rest of the work is expected to be completed during the summer.

“The company has been transferred to its new state-of-the-art facilities in Vasilikos, in which Hellenic Petroleum Group has invested more than €30 million in state-of-the-art technologies, digital control and security systems.”

CEO of the company Giorgos Grigoras referred to the “strict security measures taken to protect personnel, residents, the area and the environment during the work of removing the tanks” and added the company has cleared the way for the economic, environmental and tourist upgrade of the city.

The demolition includes dismantling all buildings, pipelines, tanks and machinery which are part of the company’s petroleum storage and distribution facility on the Larnaca – Dhekelia road.

Hellenic Petroleum had submitted an application for the demolition of its facilities at the beginning of January 2020 after it was decided to move the operations to Vasilikos. In July, the company submitted an environmental impact study to the government which was approved