Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 3 April 2021 - by Staff Reporter

Larnaca Airport

Cyprus, which from May 1 will allow visitors from the UK with a certificate of vaccination to travel here without restrictions,  is awaiting London’s decisions as regards outbound flights, Transport Minister Yianis Karousos said.

“We are in contact with the United Kingdom to see the details regarding the certificate it will be issuing. However, we are waiting for the country’s political decision as to where it will classify Cyprus and when Britons will be allowed to travel,” he told reporters.

Karousos said March and April served as ‘pilot’ months to ensure protocols at the airport were operating well.

While he anticipated an increase in flights to Cyprus towards the end of May and in June, all will depend on the epidemiological situation here and in the tourism-generating countries,

“Everything will depend on the epidemiological situation of every country and when political decisions will be taken by the countries themselves, such as the United Kingdom, but also our epidemiological situation,” he said.

And he appealed to everyone to understand that in order for tourism to start and in order to improve air connectivity, Cyprus must be categorized as green or at least orange, so that on their return travellers will not be subject to any restrictions.

There was interest from airlines which are investing in Cyprus’ colour-coded scheme for travellers and the message of stability it sends.  Flight are being scheduled to destinations where there was little or no connectivity, while new airlines are looking at launching flights particularly on the Greece-Cyprus route.

Asked about tourism arrivals from Russia, he said that the country was currently classified as red, under protocols. Russians can travel to Cyprus and there is interest from tour operators and airlines, he said.

He and the deputy minister of tourism have had tele-conferences with airlines interested in flights, Russian authorities have been informed that Cyprus is ‘open’ and the foreign ministry has also undertaken action he said.

“We await the decisions of the Russian federation as to when it will open and allow chartered flights from Cyprus,” he said.

Paralimni mayor Theodoros Pyrillis said Protaras will welcome Russian tourists this Sunday with 40 rooms booked and expressed the hope the resort will be able to operate in full by the end of April, aided by warmer weather.