Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Filenews 11 March 2021

A yellow warning was issued by the Weather Service for gale-force winds. Specifically according to the bulletin, stormy northwesterly winds of intensity 8 beaufort will affect the west and north coasts.

The warning will take effect from 15:00 today until 03:00 on Friday morning.

Detailed weather

Barometric low is expected to affect the region today. From Friday it will affect the area weak high pressure.

Today Thursday the weather will initially be partly cloudy and in the atmosphere will hover sparse dust, which by the afternoon will be removed. In the late afternoon the weather will become mostly cloudy and local rains and isolated storms are expected. Winds will blow southwest as northwest, initially weak up to moderate 3 to 4 beauforts but will soon become up to strong, 5 beauforts and up to very strong, 6 beauforts. The sea will initially be a little turbulent but will gradually become turbulent and locally to wavey. The temperature will rise around 21 degrees inland, south and east coasts, around 19 on the rest of the coast and 14 degrees in the higher mountains.

In the evening the weather will be mostly cloudy and local rains and isolated storms are expected. In the higher mountains it's likely to snow. Winds will blow mainly northwesterly, strong up to very strong 5 to 6 beauforts and transiently in the winds, up to severe 7 beauforts. The sea will be turbulent to undulating but to the west and north it will be very undulating. The temperature will drop to 9 degrees inland, around 12 degrees on the south and east coasts, around 15 degrees on the west and north coasts and 2 degrees in the higher mountains, where frost is not excluded.

On Friday and the weekend the weather will be mostly atrium but from time to time there will be increased clouds.

Temperatures will drop on Friday and a gradual rise is expected for the weekend to be close to climate averages.

Source: eyenews