001 Doctor UK, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | tests@001doctor.uk | +44 (0)208 087 2469 | £170.00 |
AlphaBiolabs, Partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covid@alphabiolabs.com | +44 (0) 0333 600 1300 | £198.00 |
Avante Health Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | support@avantehealth.co.uk | +44 (0)333 006 9610 | £210.00 |
Better2Know, partnered with Nationwide Pathology | Nationwide (England) | info@better2know.com | +44 (0)20 7099 0955 | £199.00 |
Biogroup Laboratory Ltd | Greater London, South East | traveltestpackage@biogroup-laboratory.co.uk | +44 (0)20 4542 7774 | £175.00 |
Collinson, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) Greater London, North West, South East, East Midlands | consumerhelp@collinsongroup.com | +44 (0)1444 444 140 | £198.00 |
Concepto Clinic in partnership with Oncologica | Nationwide | support@conceptoclinic.co.uk | =44( 0)20 3371 8814 | £268.00 |
Confirm Testing, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | info@confirmtesting.com | +44 (0)203 870 3623 | £199.00 |
Coronafocus by Oncologica UK Ltd | Nationwide (England) | test@covidprotected.co.uk | +44 (0)1223 869 447 | £190.00 |
Covid Home Test, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London | contact@covidhometest.co | +44 (0)20 3319 6469 | £399.00 |
Covid Smart Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London, North West, South West, Yorkshire and the Humber | hello@covidsmart.co.uk | +44 (0)800 7022 145 | £210.00 |
CTM, administering NHS Test and Trace tests | Nationwide (England) | north.hotels@travelctm.com | +44 (0)1274 726 424 | £210.00 |
DNA Workplace Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | travel@dnaworkplace.com | +44 (0)20 3943 5777 | £190.00 |
Doctor Driver Assessment Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | bookings@doctordriverassessment.com | +44 (0)800 001 6784 | £220.00 |
Doctors Clinic Group, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | info@londondoctorsclinic.co.uk | +44 (0)20 3993 4657 | £229.00 |
Dr Mo Private Clinic Norwich, partnered with Oncologica | South East | hello@drmoprivateclinic.co.uk | +44 (0) 7749723669 | £378.00 |
Expert Medicals, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | mail@expert-medicals.co.uk | +44 (0)1274 397 650 | £190.00 |
Heathrow Medical Services LLP, partner with Oncologica | South East | covidtests@heathrowmedical.com | +44 (0) 208 528 2633 | £175.00 |
Harley Street Nurses Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | test@harleystreetnurses.com | +44 (0)2076375511 | £210.00 |
Latus Health, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covidtesting@latushealth.co.uk | +44 (0) 844 351 0378 | £175.00 |
Live Covid Testing, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | info@livecovidtesting.co.uk | +44 (0)7874 074 688 | £190.00 |
London Medical Concierge, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London | experts@londonmedicalconcierge.com | +44 (0)20 7305 5590 | £399.00 |
London Medical Laboratory, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | info@londonmedicallaboratory.co.uk | +44 (0)20 7183 3718 | £190.00 |
Mayfield Clinic, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London, South East | info@mayfieldclinic.co.uk | +44 (0)1865 423 425 | £249.00 |
Medwyn Occupational Health, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covid19@medwynoh.co.uk | +44 (0)1306 873 942 | £205.00 |
Midland Health, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | hello@midlandhealth.co.uk | +44 (0)333 772 1999 | £210.00 |
Nationwide Pathology Limited, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covid@nationwidepathology.co.uk | +44 (0)1858 571 322 | £175.00 |
Now Test, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | info.form@nowtest.com | +44 (0) 2034887870 | £170.00 |
OscarTech UK, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | testing@oscartech-uk.com | +44 (0)20 3633 8413 | £190.00 |
Prenetics, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | care@projectscreen.co.uk | +44 (0)208 004 2118 | £199.00 |
Protein Technologies Ltd/RapidityDX, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covidtesting@protein-technologies.com | +44 (0) 0161 2262366 | £185.00 |
Qured, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | support@qured.com | +44 (0)20 3966 6924 | £210.00 |
Racoo Screening Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | South West | 258postaltesting@racoo.co.uk | +44 (0)1793 677 480 | £245.00 |
Rapid Health Test, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | contact@rapidhealthtest.com | +44 (0)1872 229 740 | £249.00 |
Remedi Health, partnered with Oncologica | South East, South West | support@remedihealth.co | +44 (0)1962 396 695 | £290.00 |
SameDayDoctor, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England), Greater London, North West | canarywharf@samedaydoctor.co.uk city@samedaydoctor.co.uk manchester@samedaydoctor.co.uk | +44 (0)20 7531 7120, +44 (0)20 3871 6015, +44 (0)1618 277 868 | £290.00 |
Screen4, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | covid19@screen4.org | +44 (0)1226 730 052 | £190.00 |
Sirkka Networks Ltd, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | day2day8@sirkkaltd.com | +44 (0)330 088 1263 | £195.00 |
The Guildhall Practice, partnered with Oncologica | East Midlands, West Midlands | admin@theguildhallpractice.co.uk | +44 (0)121 441 2626 | £199.00 |
The Health Suite, partnered with Oncologica and Nationwide Pathology | Nationwide (England) | info@thehealthsuite.co.uk | +44 (0)1162 410 010 | £198.00 |
The Mayfair GP, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London | info@themayfairgp.com | +44 (0)7568 369 455 | £475.00 |
The Medic Clinic, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London, East of England | info@medicclinic.co.uk | +44 (0)1234 984 065 | £220.00 |
The Regenerative Clinic, partnered with Oncologica | Greater London | diagnostics@theregenerativeclinic.co.uk | +44 (0)203 637 5566 | £260.00 |
TP Healthcare Services Limited, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | enquires@tphealthcareservices.com | +44 (0)204 542 4558 | £210.00 |
Winchester GP, partnered with Nationwide Pathology | South East, South West | reception@winchestergp.com | +44 (0)1962 776 010 | £280.00 |
World Travel Clinic partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | hello@worldtravelclinic.co.uk | +44 (0)1753 847 663 | £210.00 |
Your GP CircleLab, partnered with Oncologica | Nationwide (England) | hello@yourgpcircle.co.uk | +44 (0)333 800 5202 | £210.00 |