Tuesday, March 23, 2021



Providers of day 2 and day 8 coronavirus testing for international arrivals

Information on the 2 tests you must book, pay for and take during your mandatory 10-day quarantine period after arriving in England, including how to book.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is aware of the following providers (including NHS Test and Trace) who may be able to conduct tests for day 2 and day 8 testing for international arrivals. This is known as a travel test package.

The first test will be taken on or before day 2 of your quarantine period and the second test will be taken on or after day 8 of your quarantine period.

Book a travel test package

Book your tests by contacting one of the following providers of day 2 and day 8 testing.

If you need urgent overnight booking support, you may wish to book a test through CTM (adminstering NHS Test and Trace tests) from the list below, as there is a 24-hour booking support helpline available.

Prices are indicative only

Name of providerRegionEmail addressContact telephonePrice
001 Doctor UK, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)tests@001doctor.uk+44 (0)208 087 2469£170.00
AlphaBiolabs, Partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covid@alphabiolabs.com+44 (0) 0333 600 1300£198.00
Avante Health Ltd, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)support@avantehealth.co.uk+44 (0)333 006 9610£210.00
Better2Know, partnered with Nationwide PathologyNationwide (England)info@better2know.com+44 (0)20 7099 0955£199.00
Biogroup Laboratory LtdGreater London, South Easttraveltestpackage@biogroup-laboratory.co.uk+44 (0)20 4542 7774£175.00
Collinson, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England) Greater London, North West, South East, East Midlandsconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com+44 (0)1444 444 140£198.00
Concepto Clinic in partnership with OncologicaNationwidesupport@conceptoclinic.co.uk=44( 0)20 3371 8814£268.00
Confirm Testing, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)info@confirmtesting.com+44 (0)203 870 3623£199.00
Coronafocus by Oncologica UK LtdNationwide (England)test@covidprotected.co.uk+44 (0)1223 869 447£190.00
Covid Home Test, partnered with OncologicaGreater Londoncontact@covidhometest.co+44 (0)20 3319 6469£399.00
Covid Smart Ltd, partnered with OncologicaGreater London, North West, South West, Yorkshire and the Humberhello@covidsmart.co.uk+44 (0)800 7022 145£210.00
CTM, administering NHS Test and Trace testsNationwide (England)north.hotels@travelctm.com+44 (0)1274 726 424£210.00
DNA Workplace Ltd, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)travel@dnaworkplace.com+44 (0)20 3943 5777£190.00
Doctor Driver Assessment Ltd, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)bookings@doctordriverassessment.com+44 (0)800 001 6784£220.00
Doctors Clinic Group, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)info@londondoctorsclinic.co.uk+44 (0)20 3993 4657£229.00
Dr Mo Private Clinic Norwich, partnered with OncologicaSouth Easthello@drmoprivateclinic.co.uk+44 (0) 7749723669£378.00
Expert Medicals, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)mail@expert-medicals.co.uk+44 (0)1274 397 650£190.00
Heathrow Medical Services LLP, partner with OncologicaSouth Eastcovidtests@heathrowmedical.com+44 (0) 208 528 2633£175.00
Harley Street Nurses Ltd, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)test@harleystreetnurses.com+44 (0)2076375511£210.00
Latus Health, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covidtesting@latushealth.co.uk+44 (0) 844 351 0378£175.00
Live Covid Testing, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)info@livecovidtesting.co.uk+44 (0)7874 074 688£190.00
London Medical Concierge, partnered with OncologicaGreater Londonexperts@londonmedicalconcierge.com+44 (0)20 7305 5590£399.00
London Medical Laboratory, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)info@londonmedicallaboratory.co.uk+44 (0)20 7183 3718£190.00
Mayfield Clinic, partnered with OncologicaGreater London, South Eastinfo@mayfieldclinic.co.uk+44 (0)1865 423 425£249.00
Medwyn Occupational Health, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covid19@medwynoh.co.uk+44 (0)1306 873 942£205.00
Midland Health, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)hello@midlandhealth.co.uk+44 (0)333 772 1999£210.00
Nationwide Pathology Limited, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covid@nationwidepathology.co.uk+44 (0)1858 571 322£175.00
Now Test, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)info.form@nowtest.com+44 (0) 2034887870£170.00
OscarTech UK, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)testing@oscartech-uk.com+44 (0)20 3633 8413£190.00
Prenetics, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)care@projectscreen.co.uk+44 (0)208 004 2118£199.00
Protein Technologies Ltd/RapidityDX, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covidtesting@protein-technologies.com+44 (0) 0161 2262366£185.00
Qured, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)support@qured.com+44 (0)20 3966 6924£210.00
Racoo Screening Ltd, partnered with OncologicaSouth West258postaltesting@racoo.co.uk+44 (0)1793 677 480£245.00
Rapid Health Test, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)contact@rapidhealthtest.com+44 (0)1872 229 740£249.00
Remedi Health, partnered with OncologicaSouth East, South Westsupport@remedihealth.co+44 (0)1962 396 695£290.00
SameDayDoctor, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England), Greater London, North Westcanarywharf@samedaydoctor.co.uk city@samedaydoctor.co.uk manchester@samedaydoctor.co.uk+44 (0)20 7531 7120, +44 (0)20 3871 6015, +44 (0)1618 277 868£290.00
Screen4, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)covid19@screen4.org+44 (0)1226 730 052£190.00
Sirkka Networks Ltd, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)day2day8@sirkkaltd.com+44 (0)330 088 1263£195.00
The Guildhall Practice, partnered with OncologicaEast Midlands, West Midlandsadmin@theguildhallpractice.co.uk+44 (0)121 441 2626£199.00
The Health Suite, partnered with Oncologica and Nationwide PathologyNationwide (England)info@thehealthsuite.co.uk+44 (0)1162 410 010£198.00
The Mayfair GP, partnered with OncologicaGreater Londoninfo@themayfairgp.com+44 (0)7568 369 455£475.00
The Medic Clinic, partnered with OncologicaGreater London, East of Englandinfo@medicclinic.co.uk+44 (0)1234 984 065£220.00
The Regenerative Clinic, partnered with OncologicaGreater Londondiagnostics@theregenerativeclinic.co.uk+44 (0)203 637 5566£260.00
TP Healthcare Services Limited, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)enquires@tphealthcareservices.com+44 (0)204 542 4558£210.00
Winchester GP, partnered with Nationwide PathologySouth East, South Westreception@winchestergp.com+44 (0)1962 776 010£280.00
World Travel Clinic partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)hello@worldtravelclinic.co.uk+44 (0)1753 847 663£210.00
Your GP CircleLab, partnered with OncologicaNationwide (England)hello@yourgpcircle.co.uk+44 (0)333 800 5202£210.00

This list is continually updated by DHSC as providers declare that they meet the required standards and are reviewed by UKAS.

The government does not endorse or recommend any test provider. Individuals should conduct their own research about available providers, the tests they supply and their terms and conditions of sale.

Package and pricing

The test package prices listed are for the provider’s standard service, which meets the government’s minimum standards. This includes:

  • both test kits
  • delivery and (where relevant) test swabbing
  • full evaluation of the test samples
  • relevant genome sequencing activities
  • result reporting to the patient
  • data reporting to PHE

Prices are updated periodically so there may be differences between the price listed on this page and the price on the provider’s website.

Prices may differ from provider to provider for a number of reasons, for example to reflect different levels of customer support. Please contact providers for detailed product and pricing information. It is important to note that some providers may offer a range of packages at different prices with further add-ons, such as premium delivery.

Further guidance

Information for prospective testing providers

Before you begin testing you must:

  • meet the minimum standards for providers of day 2 and day 8 testing for international arrivals, including being at the relevant stage of UKAS accreditation

  • request to be added to the list of providers by completing the declaration form

Published 11 March 2021
Last updated 22 March 2021