Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Filenews 28 February 2021

March 2021 with the authorisation of a fourth vaccine by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the increased flow of vaccines is expected to see Cyprus further intensify its vaccination programme. A total of 130,440 doses were obtained for the following month from the three licensed vaccines, Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Moderna. At the same time, the licensing application procedures submitted to EMA by Johnson & Johnson, which is expected to be evaluated by mid-March, have begun.

Program flexibility

The vaccination programme was designed to be flexible and adapt to both the available vaccine quantities and the population it will serve. The competent services of the Ministry of Health are well prepared to respond to the increased needs and in combination with the positive attitude of the population for vaccination, will vigorously continue the national effort to exit the health crisis. Already, the plan has accelerated to an extent that gives us a significant lead over the "invisible enemy".


The vaccination programme shall be carried out within the framework of the following priority planning:

1. Residents and staff of nursing homes and institutions of chronic adult diseases.

Health professionals: Nurses with COVID19 patients, and in all ICU, ICU, Ambulance departments (regardless of COVID hospitalization)

2. People>80 years old

People working in PYS centres

3. People >75 years old

Other health professionals/staff.

4. Persons >=16 years of age at high risk for severe illness and age the rest of the population

Residents in other closed structures such as prisons and shelters for refugees and migrants.


By 24 February 2021, 67870 vaccinations were completed. A total of 20962 people were vaccinated with two doses. It is estimated that by the first week of March vaccination will have been completed with the first dose of the above three groups, while by the first 10 days of March the vaccination of people over 70 years of age will have been completed. At the same time, from March, vaccination of people who are bedridden begins, through the Home Nursing Services of the OKY.

Vaccination of health professionals is completed

Vaccination of frontline health professionals, together with vaccination of residents and their staff, was a top priority. The aim is to protect vulnerable groups of the population and to protect the country's health system. With a view to the latter, the vaccination of The Personal Physicians of Adults and Children and their nursing staff was completed. Vaccination of other health professionals is completed in the coming days. Gradually, the way will be opened for vaccinations of the general population to begin.

The race at the Vaccination Centres

Vaccination Centres are the places where the big fight takes place. Every day the staff who staff them puts a little stone in the battle against the pandemic. Central is the role of Health Visitors in the whole program, the professionalism and long experience of which ensures the provision of a high level of services.

People aged 71 and over currently have access to the Vaccination Portal. Vaccinations shall be carried out by:

• 9 Vaccination Centres in all Provinces, with a total of 20 workshops

• 4 Large Vaccination Centres

• At the State Fair in Nicosia (capacity of 15 workshops)

• At the Spyros Kyprianou Sports Centre in Limassol (capacity of 10 workshops

• Old Electric in Paphos (capacity of 7 workshops)

• In the PASYDY building in Larnaca (capacity of 7 workshops)

• 6 Mobile Units, one in each province and one sixth covering the Troodos region

15,000 vaccinations a day

The Vaccination Centres are housed in Primary Health Care Centres of the Organization of State Health Services, which once again supports in every way the fight against the pandemic. In full development of the Vaccination Centres, up to 15,000 vaccinations will be carried out per day.

Important is the role of Mobile Units that offer the possibility of vaccination in elderly remote areas. Among other things, vaccinations were carried out in the communities of Kampos, Kato Pyrgos, Athianou, Panagia. Vaccinations are scheduled for Sunday, February 28th in Pedoulakis.

People at high risk for serious illness

The next objective is to cover people at high risk for serious illness. The Ad hoc Committee set up by the Minister of Health proceeds on the basis of the recommendation of the Scientific Advisory Committee in determining how vaccination of these patients is implemented. The whole effort is arduous as in most cases there are no patient records through which to approach them to express an interest in vaccination. Their approach is gradually made through the Special Practitioners who offer them health services. An alternative method is to identify them through the GHS Software, through which vaccination appointments will be scheduled.

Implementation is gradual and began with patients with haemoglobin diseases and people with severe renal failure who are on dialysis or peritoneal clearance. 439 and 365 patients from each group were vaccinated respectively by 24 February 2021. This is followed by vaccination of transplants and people with HIV/AIDS. The procedure for vaccinating these patients is supported by the medical staff of the OKY.

The vaccine is up to us.

The organised procedure for the administration of vaccines is only one of the reasons why the vaccination programme is expected to be successful. The willingness of the population called upon to be vaccinated is the driving force. The centres are full and the appointments for the life-saving vaccine are sought after. The vaccination plan of Cyprus proceeds without delay, giving even more optimism for the reduction of morbidity with the aim of ending the pandemic.

The vaccine against Covid-19 is free, painless, safe and effective.

Through its administration, public hospitals are relieved and every citizen protects the other. People need to be patient. The aim is to win in the summer, open up jobs, open up the focus, restart the economy. Responsibility is essential and vaccines ensure a better and healthier tomorrow for all.

In the world's top positions Cyprus

Our country's vaccination programme is on track and this is something that international prestigious organisations confirm. According to OurWorldinData data, our country ranks first in terms of implementing its vaccination programme per 100 people.

At the same time, we are particularly proud of the fact that Cyprus has achieved to a great extent its first objective of vaccination coverage for the elderly, with coverage that, based on data from the programme of 24 February 2021, exceeds 70% of people aged 80 and over.

*Dr. Olgas Kalakouta - Deputy Director of Medical and Public Health Services.