Tuesday, December 1, 2020



01-12-2020 13:39

1474 is the new COVID-19 call center

As part of efforts to continuously improve the quality of services offered to citizens, and recognizing the difficult circumstances facing the Cypriot society due to the pandemic, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy has launched a new Call Center, 1474, providing support and information on all issues related to COVID-19.

The 1474 call center aims to provide direct, timely and comprehensive information, in regards to all governmental initiatives for dealing with COVID-19 (measures in force, governmental decrees, support schemes, traveling to/from Cyprus, health protocols and guidelines for the workplace etc.). The services offered by the call center are limited to issues related to the pandemic.

This service will be available to citizens from 8:00am to 8:00pm, from Monday to Sunday, as follows:

Calling from:

  • a Cypriot number: 1474
  • a foreign number: +357 22 285757

Via email: covid19@dmrid.gov.cy

In case additional clarifications are needed from the relevant authorities, these will be provided within a reasonable timeframe.