Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Filenews 1 December 2020

Epidemiological data in Famagusta are of concern, as presented in the National Report. According to epidemiological data, Famagusta province has continued its upward trend in positive COVID-19 cases and is now in first place with 452.3 positive cases per 100,000 compared to 383.8./100,000 recorded in last week's report.

In second place is Limassol with a new reduction (428.7/100,000 vs. 465.9/100,000) while the province of Nicosia records a new negative record with 335.1/100,000 against 284.1/100,000 inhabitants. Larnaca records 376 patients per 100,000 inhabitants while Paphos is now in last place with only 123/100,000.

Dr. Nikolopoulos, at a press conference, said that the new epidemiological study, presented on Tuesday, concerns 10,074 positive cases. According to the data presented, the high number of incidents per day continues, which is largely due to the increased number of tests carried out in recent times. In addition to the high rate of positivity, what epidemiologists are closely monitoring is the number of hospital admissions, which continues to be between 9 and 10 per day number and which remains high.

He expressed concern about the epidemiological curve of Famagusta, noting that in Limassol and Paphos the transmission number decreased, unlike the other 3 provinces, namely Nicosia, Larnaca and the free Famagusta. According to epidemiological data, Famagusta Province has continued its upward trend in positive COVID-19 cases and is now in first place with 452.3 positives per 100,000 compared to 383.8./100,000 recorded in last week's report. In second place is Limassol with a new reduction (428.7/100,000 vs. 465.9/100,000) while the province of Nicosia records a new negative record with 335.1/100.000 vs. 284.1/100,000 inhabitants. Larnaca records 376 patients per 100,000 inhabitants while Paphos is now in last place with only 123/100,000.

It stressed that the positivity rate, the stabilisation of the epidemiological burden, as well as the number of nurses, are criteria for the course and relaxation of restrictive measures.

As Dr. Seuss mentioned earlier. Tsioutis, as far as nurses are concerned, the positive elements include the fact that Cyprus is one of the few countries in Europe that has a reserve in beds to serve health patients and has not reached its limits, noting however that we must not forget that as the use of beds for crowns increases, they are reduced for the use of other services.

He added that Cyprus is one of the few countries in Europe that has not reached the point of needing a universal ban, and drew attention to adherence to protocols and avoid confusing phenomena such as those we saw at the weekend.

Source: eyenews