Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 Cyprus Mail 1 December 2020 - by Evie Andreou

Limassol municipality announced on Tuesday there will be no carnival parade in 2021 because of the pandemic.

In a written statement, the municipality said its council was forced to call off all big events that are part of the carnival. This means that both the main parade and the children’s one that normally takes place a few days earlier, will not be held next year.

The Limassol carnival parade, a major event for locals, takes place just before Lent each year.

In 2021, the main parade was due to take place on March 13.

“The conditions of the pandemic force us to readjust the Carnival of 2021,” the municipality said. “Mass events such as the grand parade and the children’s parade cannot be organised.”

It added that it would however, organise a series of events in keeping with the pandemic conditions during the carnival period.

“The joy, fun and optimism offered by the Limassol Carnival should not be deprived of the people of Limassol and all our other compatriots, especially at this time when they need it more than ever,” it said.