Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Filenews 1 December 2020 

With the cooperation of the Ministry of Transport, Communications & Works and Cyta, Cyprus becomes the 19th country in Europe to adopt the automated centralized code assignment and management system (CCAMS) for air traffic control purposes, which significantly enhances safety.

Specifically, on 19 November, at the Nicosia Area Control Centre, the first phase of the upgrade of the Topsky air traffic management system was completed. Among the new features added is the operation of the modern CCAMS system that automates the central management of flight codes in Cypriot airspace.

The operation of the CCAMS system is managed by the Brussels-based international organisation EUROCONTROL – Network Manager (NM). The automatic allocation of codes to each flight entering The Airspace of Cyprus, as well as to all departures from the country's airports, is expected to resolve the periodic lack of codes observed mainly during the summer months, due to increased air traffic at the Control Centre. At the same time, it enhances the safety of services, since automation significantly reduces the involvement of the human factor, as well as the workload of already burdened air traffic controllers.

This project is part of the civil aviation air traffic management systems development programme. It was implemented with the cooperation of the Air Navigation Services of the Department of Civil Aviation and the respective Air Navigation Services of Cyta, the only Organization in Cyprus that offers Air Navigation services in the field of Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS). Among other things, Cyta provides the Department of Civil Aviation with services for the development and management of important projects in the field of air traffic control.

The importance of the implementation of the operation of the CCAMS system in Cyprus is also highlighted in a related tribute on the Eurocontrol website.