Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Cyprus Mail 24 November 2020 - by Nick Theodoulou

The Polemi, Stroumbi and Yiolou communities on Tuesdsay asked to be included in the interior ministry’s mountainous and rural areas housing programme, citing a demographic turning point.

The leaders of the three communities, said the villages form the backbone of the central mountainous villages in Paphos and would be integrated successfully.

They also said there are still enough young people in the communities, who would greatly benefit from the programme.

Last week, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris revealed a revised affordable housing plan for vulnerable groups, young families and incentives for constructing more rental properties.

The revised plan includes mountain districts, disadvantaged areas and improved urban incentives and covers all communities in Troodos, Akamas and Tylliria.

It increases the number of communities in these areas from 128 eligible villages in the original July 2019 affordable housing plan to 259.

“That means another 131 communities have been added while the population that is now covered by the new plan increases by 25,596, reaching 82,987,” Nouris said.