Friday, November 27, 2020


 Filenews 27 November 2020

The House passed an amendment to the Animal Protection and Welfare Act, with the aim of strengthening the mechanism for monitoring animal protection and welfare issues by promoting relevant actions and policies and by increasing financial penalties in case of violation of the provisions of the law. 45 Members voted in favour, 2 against, and there was an abstention. Only the ELAM opposed the bill, with MP Lynos Papagiannis saying the increased penalties would have the opposite effect and increase strays.

The law introduces provisions such as:

- Penalties for animal cruelty are increased from EUR 1,700 to EUR 10 000 in the event of a first conviction, and from EUR 3,400 to EUR 20 000 in the case of a second or subsequent conviction.

- The Bill gives the competent authority the power to immediately seize an animal and entrust its care to another suitable person, without long-term procedures.

- From now on it is forbidden to tether a dog or cat, except in cases of temporary tethering of a dog in a public place or during a walk.

- From now on it is forbidden to keep a dog or cat on roofs, balconies and terraces, conditions that left the animals isolated and exposed to the weather.

- Animal protection mechanisms are strengthened through the institutionalised cooperation of government agencies, private veterinarians and animal welfare organisations participating in the Cyprus Animal Welfare Coordinating Committee and the Provincial Animal Welfare Committees.

- From now on it is forbidden to detain marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals) in captivity.

The Cyprus Animal Party first welcomes the passage of the Bill on the Protection and Welfare of Animals, but says that it "will not stop efforts and struggles for a total ban on cages of shame, because animals are neither furniture nor disposable objects".