Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Cyprus Mail 24 November 2020 - by Bejay Browne

The Paphos mayor has called on the government to explain to his residents the reasoning behind the decision to implement strict measures in Paphos following statements made by a member of the epidemiology team advising the government that the motive was a political one, and data proved it.

Phedonas Phedonos made the request following statements by the professor of molecular virology, Leontios Kostrikis, who said that the measures should have not been targeted at just Paphos and Limassol.

Phedonos wants clarification as to why restrictions were imposed on Paphos district when other areas have the same, or even more confirmed Covid 19 infections but no extra measures are in place.

Kostrikis, a professor at the University of Cyprus and a member of the health ministry’s epidemiological team, stressed in an interview on Radio Cosmos on Monday, that he had argued from the beginning that the lockdown should be imposed across the board and not just targeted at Paphos and Limassol where a travel ban and 8pm curfews are in place.

Kostrikis said that his estimates have been based on the graphs recently announced by the members of the epidemiological team.

“The question is why Paphos should be closed since its epidemiological data are at the same level as those of Nicosia and Larnaca,” he said.

He said that the decision on local lock-downs was political and not a scientific one, and cited graphs published on November 12 and 16 showing that Paphos, Nicosia and Larnaca were at the same level – just over 150 infections per 100 thousand of the population, and in fact Paphos was below Famagusta.

In a post on social media, the mayor noted that the officials of the district are behaving responsibly. Although they saw that the number of cases were not so many, they still called on the public to apply the restrictive measures in order to stop the pandemic.

He said that, “everyone calls on residents in Paphos to implement the measures”, but added that “such statements created confusion and questions and explanations must be given immediately.”

Kostrikis stressed that his comments were based on published scientific findings and his purpose was not to upset or to create problems.

Phedonos said that the professor’s statements were: “enlightening and clear”.

The consequences for Paphos and its economy are great, he said, adding that the competent ministry should give clear explanations to the thousands of people and hundreds of businesses in the district that are suffering due to the measures.