Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Filenews 30 September 2020

The Ministry of Health informs that, according to an update received today by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 3,147 laboratory diagnoses identified 12 new cases of COVID-19 disease.

In detail, virus-positive individuals emerged as follows:

• Of 655 samples taken through a private initiative, 1 case was identified.

• Of 180 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 7 cases were detected.

• Of 875 samples taken as part of the laboratory sample test of 3,000 people in Larnaca Province, 3 cases were detected.

• Of 939 samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 1 case was identified.

In addition, the following laboratory tests were carried out, without the detection of a case:

• From samples taken under the programme of referrals by Personal Physicians and control of special teams through the Public Health Clinics, 225 laboratory tests were completed,

• From samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 104 laboratory tests were carried out,

• From a program carried out by the Ministry of Justice and Public Order for the control of staff working in the courts, we have had a result for 2 samples, and

• Samples taken as part of the control programme for pupils, teachers and school staff completed 167 laboratory diagnoses.

The 12 current new COVID-19 cases identified by the following audits:

• 7 x tracing:

1. The three people are contacts from the football family environment of ASIL Solution, announced on 27/9.

2. Three other people are contacts from the British family environment announced on 28/9 by the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals. It is recalled that they had come from England on 18/9 on holiday and on 27/9 the first person developed symptoms.

3. One person is a contact of a football player of the National Achna announced on 22/9. Although he had two sampling appointments scheduled at the Public Health Clinics, he did not go for the sampling and did the examination privately. He also has symptoms (swallowing and sore throat).

• 1 x flight: This person came from Manchester to Paphos on 29/9.

• 1 x private initiative: This is a person who came from Russia on 18/9 and did the examination on the 12th day to be released from quarantine, according to the relevant Decree.

• 3 x control program of 3,000 people in Larnaca Province:

1. The 1st concerns a person who has symptoms (minds) on 28/9.

2. The 2nd person is an employee of an executive company of the Administration of the National Achna and at the same time works in a department of the National Achna. Due to the many cases in the National chain, they sent all employees of the company for examination through sampling. He has symptoms (runny nose and loss of taste) since 28/9.

3. The 3rd person is also an employee of an executive company of the National Administration and took the test through the program because they sent all the staff of the company. He has symptoms since 29/9 (runny nose and brains).

4. A further two positive incidents were sent from the programme today, concerning persons already notified yesterday through tracing and concerning case contacts. Yesterday and in parallel with their scheduled appointment for sampling through tracing, on their own initiative they did the test and through the program.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases amounts to 1,755.

11 patients are being treated at the reference hospital, including three in the Increased Care Unit. A patient from Famagusta was transferred today and is being treated intubated in the ICU of Nicosia.

It is noted that 16 cases have been detected from the Larnaca sampling so far. Four of them had symptoms and instead of contacting their Personal Physician they went for sampling through the program. Also, 7 people are from the ASIL Solution cluster and 2 were close contacts who had to be confined. In addition to this possibly altering the result of the sampling, it increases the chances of spreading the virus to other people who were at the site for sampling. Also of concern is the incident of a person who twice refused to go to a scheduled appointment for sampling through the tracing process and did the examination privately again endangering other people who may have been in contact with him.

Once again, the Ministry of Health appeals to all citizens to strictly follow the instructions given to them by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit in case they are close contacts of confirmed cases. An appeal is also made to those who develop symptoms to immediately restrict their contacts with other people, to isolate themselves and to contact their Personal Physician for medical advice. We are at a very critical stage of the pandemic and failure to comply with the directives poses risks of derailing the situation.

Source: eyenews