Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Filenews 10 September 2020 - by Petros Theoharidis

No more "tricks" with foreigners who are in Cyprus exceptionally or without legal documents, but find ways, with the help of others to obtain driver's licenses.

In a circular issued by the Department of Road Transport, agreed with Minister Giannis Karussos, the Deputy Minister of The Ministry of Road Transport, Director of the Department Giannis Nikolaidis has set out a new much stricter procedure so that foreigners can obtain a driver's license, even a student in Cyprus, to ensure that their presence in Cyprus is legal.

From next Monday the Department of Road Transport, the Citizen Service Centres and the Central Postal Offices will not accept applications and payments, either for student permits, for examinations, for regular or for changes to permits of other countries, if the persons concerned do not present themselves and if the necessary documents required by the new arrangements are not the originals.

Please note that the new requirements also apply to citizens of third countries and citizens of Member States of the European Union. It is necessary to present a valid and valid residence permit (original, not a copy) issued by the Department of Population and Migration Archive by the applicant himself. In other words, copies, photocopies, etc. are not accepted, nor is the production of documents by third parties or representatives of driving schools.

Please note that proof of application for a residence permit, various certificates and letters, proof of payment, proof of application for international protection and various notifications will not be accepted.

Also, for the purpose of proving the applicant's six-month stay in the Republic of Cyprus, an adequate presumption of proof (original - not a copy) should be presented by the applicant himself, such as certificates of payment of social security contributions for each month (at least for six months) or a utility bill (electricity and water). Phone or mobile accounts will not be accepted. The evidence should have been issued within the last 12 months of the date of the application.

For foreigners under the age of nineteen, provided that they hold a valid and valid Residence License, the six-month stay in the Republic of Cyprus may also be demonstrated by an original certificate of attendance at a private or public secondary school.

It is expected that the new arrangements will bring some reactions from affected interests, but the ministry is determined to impose the right measures, a transport ministry source told "F".