Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Filenews 29 September 2020 - by Theano Thiopoulou

The most expensive occupations in Cyprus are those related to supporting mining activities and generally related to the mining and mining category. The lowest fees (€882 "unclean") are in agriculture, hunting and forestry and from then on there is a wide variety and pay gap by occupational category.

Analysis of data published yesterday by the Statistical Office shows the significant changes in the labour market in terms of pay in some occupations over the last decade. The highest paid occupation in Cyprus, until at least 2019, was support mining activities, with average monthly gross earnings being €8,669.

In 2010, pay for the same occupation was just 2,798, down 209% from 2019. But there are also occupations in the mining sector which have seen a sharp fall in pay.

For example, in 2010 the average monthly gross salary for crude oil and gas extraction was €11,348 and in 2019 it fell to €4,881. The mining sector also has high wages, with the average being €5,609.

Other professions

But it is interesting how much the other sectors of the economy offer as an average monthly fee. In the manufacturing sector, the highest average gross wage is the production of coke and products, with €4,281 followed by the production of tobacco products with €4,143.

In the other sectors: food industry €1,406, distillery €2,153, production of basic pharmaceuticals and preparations €2,246, leather and leather industry €1,426. The average monthly gross salary in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning sector is €2,815. In the field of water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management the average gross salary is €1,875. In the categories of professions below this section are: collection, treatment and water supply €2,321, sewage treatment €2,252.

In the construction sector, according to the Statistical Office, the average monthly gross salary is €1,563. In the subcategories, the average monthly gross salary for building construction is €1,668, civil engineering works €1,994. In wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles the average gross salary is €1,369, in wholesale trade excluding motor vehicle and motorcycle trade is €1,790, in retail trade €1,301.

In the field of transport and storage, the average monthly salary is €2,259. In the sub-categories, workers in land and pipeline transport have a salary of €1,624, in water transport the average salary is €2,428, in air transport €3,023, in storage and transport-support activities €2,562.

The hotel and catering sector offers a relatively low average gross salary of €1,299. For accommodations it is €1,406 and for catering activities €1,201. In the field of information and communication, the average gross salary is €2,651. In publishing activities €2,668, in the production of films, videos and television programmes €1,534, telecommunications €2,793, computer programming activities €2,774, information service activities €2,492.

Fees of banking, auditors

The average gross monthly salary in the financial and insurance sector is €3,425. The average monthly fee for financial services excluding insurance activities and pension funds is €3,555. In insurance, reinsurance and pension funds the average gross salary is €2,454 and the average remuneration in activities related to financial services and insurance activities is €3,581. The average gross salary for legal and accounting activities is €2,271, management consulting activities €2,857, architectural and engineering activities, €1,699, scientific research and development €2,807, advertising and market research €2,217, veterinary activities €1,269.

The average monthly gross salary for travel agency, tour operators and booking services is €1,716. In protection and research activities the average salary is €1,435, in the activities of providing services in buildings and outdoors is €1,142.

Public sector and education

In public administration and defence the average gross monthly salary is €2,792. In government the average salary is €2,899 and in education €1,965. In human health activities the average salary is €1,748, in home assistance activities €1,520, in social care activities without accommodation €1,226.

Fun and entertainment

The average salary for creative activities, arts and entertainment is €1,652, library, archive, museum and other cultural activities €1,331, gambling and betting €1,713, organisation activities €1,887, repair of computers and personal and household items €1,701 and other personal service activities €1,128.