Saturday, August 1, 2020


The police recommend that the public be careful

Information on a new form of possible fraud is held by the Police, which is sounding the alarm and 

calling on citizens to be particularly careful and suspicious.


According to information that reached the Police, through letters deftly appear to be aimed at the 

posting of funds or personal information of citizens, such as bank account numbers, contact details, 

e-mail addresses, etc. Such letters have already been sent from certain countries abroad, with 

recipients of various citizens residing in Cyprus.


Through these letters, recipients are asked to send a transfer of a specific amount and in a specific 

way, for various reasons. Some of the reasons cited by the deft  are: 

• The release of a will concerning the recipient of the letter 

• The construction of orphanages or other well-off institutions 

• The sending of lottery profits in which the recipient of the letter was randomly involved.


The Police are urging anyone who may receive such letters not to show confidence and to ignore 

them as they appear to be a fraud.