Sunday, July 26, 2020


Cyprus Mail 26 July 2020 - by Katy Turner

Environmentalist and MP Charalambos Theopemptou on Sunday became the leader of the Green Party.

He was named to the post during an extraordinary national conference, which also saw all other posts have their service extended by one year, which means the new president will stay in his post until at least October 2021, when the next party conference is held.

Priorities include the improvement of air quality, water protection, the reduction of energy demand through energy upgrades of buildings, the promotion of RES and the implementation of a proper energy and climate policy.

“It is also important to inform the public about their rights to information, participation in decision-making, representative representation of social groups and participation in electoral processes,” he said.

In his speech, Theopemptou said the party will focus on improving people’s incomes and quality of life and fighting crime.

He said he will also focus on “the protection of the environment through the proper management of rubbish and all other solid and liquid waste and the promotion of sound environmental policies, public transport, walking and cycling and the provision of good quality drinking water, the protection of nature and the environment. biodiversity, the environment in our cities and communities and animal welfare”.

It is time for a changed of view though, blaming the current government for a string of environmental errors. “They privatised the beaches, they wanted to give the forest beaches of Akamas, Dasoudi, Petra tou Romiou to individuals, to do projects in the coastal zone by bypassing all the procedures, so that those who do environmental studies do not need to study anything related, they build everywhere tall buildings without studies, the sea is polluted but no one is looking for the reason but they spend money to clean. They have built the sea caves and are preparing urban plans for Akamas, and the beaches are coming with an entrance,” he added.

“Today we undertake a new leadership, new goals, new efforts,” he said, adding that the party’s first aim is to have Efi Xanthou voted in as mayor of Aglanjia. The party will then take on the parliamentary elections of May 2021, clearly defining its positions on the economy, society, the environment and culture.