Friday, July 31, 2020


Filenews 31 July 2020

The number of pending infringement cases by EU Member States on Community legislation has remained stable, but at the same time the number of new cases has increased by more than 20%, according to figures released today by the Commission.

In particular, the Commission has published an annual report on monitoring the application of EU law, setting out the Commission's actions to monitor the implementation and enforcement of EU law in 2019, as well as the performance of Member States in various policy areas.

According to the report, Cyprus records 54 infringements of EU law in 2019, compared with 67 in 2018. The Commission initiated infringement proceedings for Cyprus, including 15 on the environment, 5 on taxation, 5 on health and food safety, 6 on SMEs, industry, entrepreneurship and the internal market, 3 on transport and 9 on other cases. Cyprus had 31 open cases of late transposition of directives on 31 December 2019, 29 of which were new cases. Of these 11 were for the environment.

According to the report, Greece records 85 infringements of EU law in 2019, compared with 76 in 2018. The Commission has opened infringement proceedings for Greece 39, including 8 for the environment, 4 for taxation, 5 for food health and safety, 6 for SMEs, industry, entrepreneurship and the internal market, 4 for transport and 6 for justice and consumers, 3 for energy, 2 for migration, 2 for communications , 1 on climate change and 3 on financial stability and capital markets union.

Greece had 29 open cases of late transposition of directives on 31 December 2019, 19 of which were new cases. Of these 11 were for the environment.

Especially for Greece, the Commission states that the Court of Justice of the EU has ruled that:

- Greece introduced illegal additional requirements for the training of mediators, in violation of EU rules,

- The application by Greece of a reduced rate of excise duty to alcoholic beverages, Tsipouro and Tsikoudia, produced by distilleries, and the application of an extremely reduced rate to those spirits produced from small occasional distilleries is incompatible with EU law2.

- the Court of Justice has explained to the Greek court that where the public is unable to participate in the environmental impact assessment of a project, the public cannot be given a time limit to appeal against the decision approving the

- and Greek legislation prohibiting a monk who has the status of lawyer in another Member State from registering with the bar because of incompatibility between the monk's status and the profession of lawyer is contrary to EU law.

In addition, according to the report, Luxembourg had the smallest number of new infringement cases launched in 2019 for incorrect transposition or incorrect application of EU law, followed by Estonia and Lithuania with correspondingly good performance.

On the other hand, the largest number of infringements is recorded for Spain, Italy and Greece.

As regards the late transposition of Community legislation, the largest number of new relevant cases were launched against Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece and Cyprus, while the smallest number against Denmark, Italy and Lithuania.

In total in 2019, the Commission launched 797 infringement proceedings with the highest number concerning the environment (175), the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs (147) and mobility and transport (83). At the end of 2019, the 1564 infringement procedures remained open. The number of new late transfer cases remained almost the same with 406 new cases in 2019 compared to 419 in 2018.

In detail, in 2019 the Commission launched 797 new procedures and sent 316 reasoned opinions. With regard to new infringement cases until 31 December 2019, Cyprus had the highest number with 43, followed by Greece and Bulgaria with 39, Romania and Ireland with 38 and Poland with 37. Latvia with 13, the Netherlands with 16 and Finland with 17 had the least relevant procedures.

At the end of 2019, 1564 cases of violation remained open, a slight decrease compared to 1571 cases in 2018. In the relevant ranking Cyprus and Greece are in 7th and 5th worst position respectively with 67 and 76 open cases. As far as Cyprus is concerned, open cases are 7 infringements of the Treaties and Regulations, 17 cases of infringement or incorrect transposition of directives, and 43 cases of late transposition of Community law into national law. For Greece the numbers are 12, 32 and 32 respectively.
