Thursday, July 30, 2020


Filenews 30 July 2020 -Kyriakos Tsakkoudis

Kyriakos Tapakudis stresses the need to become environmentally conscious and to love nature.

Chloraka is built on a plateau, with unlimited views of the entire horizon of the sea that is lost in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea and every deli, when the sun goes around, goldens the blue waters, creating an exceptional and unique view. It is a place with beautiful beaches and strong contrasts. Beaches with steep rocks and crystal clear blue waters, as well as golden beaches.

The seas of Chloraka are usually wild and rough, but also calm from time to time. Large waves sprinkle to eat the rocks on the shores giving a majestic wild scenery, but also a beautiful sight when the calm flush of the waves calms the senses and concerns in people's thoughts as the calm waters pulled in reveal the sprouted seabed golden from the yellow algae.

The beaches of Chloraka are one of the most beautiful in the world. They offer rest to vision and carefreeness to the soul. The great vegetation on the rough rocks, which make up almost the entire coastline, deserves admiration and observation as it has rare and beautiful flora.

Great biodiversity acts as an indicator of the health of the seas and coasts, as it is rich and rare like the lilies of the yalos, the immortal flowers, the kyrtamas and so much more. Biodiversity which is a comparative advantage and which we must preserve.

Unfortunately, however, in Chloraka, almost all the beaches have been destroyed by some small and large businessmen, who, without respect to the very God who made them, trampled them and wiped them out by setting up barriers and building roads and illegal premises. They changed them and got them.

They gave them another shape and a different form. They dug the rocks into the sea itself and built on and in it bars and canteens for the service of their customers. The flora was destroyed and the fauna disappeared.

And while we all agree on beautiful beaches, and while we all disagree with trespassers, once we get to them, we don't care enough.

We know that garbage degrades the beauty of our shores and destroys the marine environment. We know it's strictly forbidden to spoil the natural environment. Not a stone to lift, nor to place, nor makeshift premises as well as umbrellas with beds to be placed for the production of illegal profit.

We know we have to respect and make sure they stay clean. We know we shouldn't allow anyone to deform them.

Still, a lot of people don't care, or even if they do, they don't show it in practice. To change the image we need to change behavior. We must all become environmentally conscious, we must love nature and protect it.