Sunday, July 26, 2020


in-cyprus 26 July 2020 - by Josephine Koumettou

Another four people tested positive to Covid-19 out of 912 tests, the Health Ministry said on Sunday, raising the total in Cyprus to 1057.

The new cases are:

  • Two from private initiative (38 tests today). The two are a Cypriot couple who had travelled to the Netherlands (Category B). They returned to Cyprus on July 17, took the test at the airport which came out negative but then retook the test at their own initiative without presenting symptoms and tested positive.
  • One through tracing of contacts of confirmed cases (85 tests today). The individual is from Limassol and is a contact of the three contacts found through tracing announced on July 23. This is the 5th person in this particular cluster, which started from a case announced on July 21. The case was asymptomatic.
  • One through referrals from personal doctors and checks of special groups through the public health clinics (168 tests today). The person took the test prior to undergoing surgery.

In addition, the following tests were carried out, all with negative results:

  • 473 tests to passengers and repatriates
  • 50 tests from the programme of 10,000 employees who returned to work as part of phase two and three of the reopening of the economy
  • 98 tests from hospital labs