Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Cyprus Mail 29 July 2020 - by Peter Michael

Two bars in Famagusta and a café-restaurant in Paphos have been temporarily shut down on court orders for violating coronavirus protocols.

The two bars in Famagusta will be shutdown until their case is heard in court on August 4, while the café in Paphos will suspend operation until their case on August 3.

Police said in one of the two bars, violations were observed on multiple occasions.

On July 5 police saw individuals being served at the bar counter of the building, while on July 19 twenty individuals were spotted dancing in the building. Also, on July 23, a staffer was seen without a mask, and on July 25 another 15 individuals were spotted dancing.

At the second bar, on June 27 police spotted individuals being served at the bar counter, and on July 11 police said social distancing measures were not being kept among people there.

The café in Paphos was shut down, as on July 27 police determined the staff were not wearing face masks, and the area did not have the necessary protocols posted or a thermometer.

Also, police noticed proper cleaning and disinfection were not carried out after customers left the café. A member of staff was also spotted not taking the proper measures.