Monday, July 13, 2020


in-cyprus 13 July 2020 -ByJosephine Koumettou

A Road Safety Council analysis of last year’s fatal road accidents attributed 95% of deaths (55 people) to the human factor, Phileleftheros reports.

The Council, that was formed to analyse data and recommend relevant measures, attributed 21% of last year’s deaths to the consumption of alcohol, reckless driving and distractions, which it said are the primary causes of fatalities in road accidents.

The third cause of death is reportedly driving on the wrong side of the road, followed by speeding and careless crossing of the road by pedestrians.

Another main cause of road fatalities is the consumption of narcotic substances, with 366 drivers testing positive to a narco test last year alone.

Citing sources, Phileleftheros reports that the fatal accidents analysis by the Unit, comprising members of the traffic police and Department of Public Works officers, has concluded that there are simple works that can be implemented immediately in public streets which could save lives. Another suggestion is to step up policing to ensure compliance by more drivers.

The report also found that this year, in the majority of fatal road accidents, only one vehicle was involved in the crash; that of the driver. Of the 18 deaths recorded this year, the report said, half involved only one vehicle. This has largely been attributed to the limited traffic in the streets during the quarantine, which allowed drivers to speed more.

The Council said that at its next sitting they will present the new strategic plan for road safety for 2021-2030 that includes campaigns to prevent road accidents aiming for a drop in fatalities by 50%.