Tuesday, June 30, 2020


From Cyprus Police

Immediate Response and Assistance Hotline 1498


"Prison sentences of 12 and 10 years to two persons, aged 48 and 38, for possession of eight 

kilograms of cocaine" – "Prison sentence of 12 years to 26-year-old, for importing 28 kg and 890 

grams of cannabis" – "In eight years imprisonment of 38-year-old for possession of drugs for the 

purpose of supplying to other persons" – "Prison sentences of 6 and 2 years to two persons, aged 

33 and 24 years , for a drug case" – "A prison sentence of eight years for a 28-year-old for possession

of cannabis in excess of 10 kg".


They are some of the titles in the Police Bulletin, in recent months, since the beginning of this year, 

while a resounding anti-drug ring also was, last month, the seizure of a large quantity of cannabis, 

weighing 72 kg and the arrest of five persons, by the Anti-Drug Enforcement Agency .


The phenomenon of drugs, because of the many serious consequences it has on society, but also on 

the individual itself, is a matter of immediate and lasting priority for the Police.


The main area of action of the Police is the repression, arrest and bringing of traffickers and 

traffickers to justice. The suppression of drug trafficking also acts as a preventive measure, but such 

repressive measures alone are never sufficient.


The drug phenomenon is defined by the State as a matter of public health and its treatment requires a 

humanitarian approach. It is within the framework of this humanitarian approach that the Police, 

in addition to prevention through actions to inform the various social groups, implements, through 

YKAN, the institution of the Social Intervention Officer.


Through the institution, the Social Intervention Officers, of the Office of Prevention of YKAN, 

provide advisory support to people who voluntarily seek assistance from the Police. The ultimate 

goal is to refer them to specialized centers for rehabilitation therapy and psychological support.


The Social Intervention Officers of yKAN can contact anyone who feels they need help or advice

on drug and addictive substances issues. For communication with Social Intervention Officers and 

access to the assistance they provide, the Telephone Hotline 1498operates on a 24-hour basis.


In recent years more than 1700 people have been sent to the Social Intervention Officers of YKAN,

for assistance. More than 1450 people have been referred to specialized treatment centers.


Institutionally, the Social Intervention Officers programme has been strengthened in recent years, with 

the signing of a Protocol of Cooperation with other state and non-profit bodies, while operating

under the umbrella of the Cyprus Dependency Management Authority.


Drugs are not the solution to any problem, but on the contrary, they are the beginning of 

creating many deadlocks with disastrous consequences.


We must remember that the holistic approach to the problem of addictive substances is aimed at 

developing and cultivating a post-life attitude without dependencies, which respects man and his needs.


We must all be companions in this effort. To contribute in their own way to the development of a 

healthy society, away from drugs.