Wednesday, June 10, 2020


in-cyprus 10 June 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

Authorities  in the past couple of days are having to chase down repatriates and contacts of confirmed coronavirus cases who should be in self-isolation, Marilena Panagi reports for Phileleftheros on Wednesday.
In a couple of cases, the Health Ministry’s epidemiological monitoring unit has had to ask for the help of other public authorities to help track down individuals who should have been in self-isolation to inform them that they needed to undergo the Covid-19 test but were not responding to the unit’s phone calls, she writes.

In view of increasing non-compliance with the decrees, the Health Ministry is preparing to ask for the help of the police, she adds.
In one instance, a woman was notified that she was a very close contact of a confirmed case and needed to self-isolate at home. But when the unit looked for her to undergo a test, they could not find her and when she did answer her phone she said she was at the beach.
In a second case, another woman also a very close contact of a confirmed case, should under the decree have remained in self-isolation, but instead opted to go to work where she said that she had been informed that the positive result of her close contact was a mistake.
But according to Phileleftheros, her employer checked and on finding out that she had given false information, sent her home to self-isolate.
Yesterday, the media reported on a case of a repatriate who while in quarantine at a seaside hotel, had decided to take a walk. Police were notified and he was taken back.
Phileleftheros also reports on the case of a repatriate who had tested negative but still needed to remain in self-isolation. Authorities looked for him to notify him that he was a close contact of another person who had been on the same repatriation flight as him and tested positive. They found him with friends at a fast food restaurant.