Thursday, June 11, 2020


in-cyprus 11 June 2020 -ByJosephine Koumettou

One person has tested positive to Covid-19, the Health Ministry said on Thursday, from a total of 2518 tests carried out.
The case was found from 293 tests conducted by private initiative and concerns a person being treated at a private hospital who has a travel history.
The following tests were also carried out. All results were negative.

  • 159 tests from the programme of 10,000 workers at hair dressers and the catering sector
  • 1189 from the programme of 20,000 pupils, teachers and other school staff
  • 218 from the general hospital labs
  • 304 tests carried out after referral from personal doctors and tests for special groups through the public health centres.
  • 188 from repatriations
  • 118 from migrant centres
  • 49 from tracing of previously confirmed cases
This brings the number of positive Coronavirus cases in Cyprus to 975.
In addition, there are still two coronavirus patients at the referral hospital and two intubated patients at the ICU of Nicosia General Hospital.