Monday, June 29, 2020


in-cyprus 29 June 2020 -Josephine Koumettou

The Health Ministry has issued advice for the public on the basic measures it should take to avoid unwelcome side effects from the heat.

The Met Department issued on Monday another extreme high temperature warning which is in force for a third consecutive day.

The Health Ministry advises:

  • Avoid continuous exposure to the sun and heavy exercise. Prefer shady, cooler areas and avoid places with a lot of people
  • Dress lightly, with light coloured clothes, and wear a hat and sunglasses if outside during the day
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee and heavy food. Choose instead light food, vegetables and juices
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water
  • Use fans or air condition particularly during the day. At night it is best to keep windows open
  • Take plenty of lukewarm showers during the day
  • Special care for vulnerable groups of the population such as babies, the elderly and pregnant women. If there are newborn babies in the house, they should be lightly dressed. Seek instructions from the paediatrician as regards the intake of liquids.
  • People suffering from chronic conditions such as respiratory or heart problems are advised to consult their doctor on whether they should be taking special measures
  • Avoid the use of the oven in the kitchen as much as possible so as not to further raise  the temperature at home
  • Never leave infants, the elderly or pets in a locked car

Groups which are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures and the sun are small children, the elderly, overweight people, people not accustomed to heat and humidity, those with a heart condition, diabetics, those with respiratory condition, kidney suffers and people on pharmaceuticals such as diuretics, the ministry concluded.