Tuesday, June 30, 2020


in-cyprus 30 June 2020 -by Josephine Koumettou

The Health Ministry issued on Tuesday new instructions for the self-isolation of Covid-19 cases or their contacts and those arriving in Cyprus from Category C countries.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Unit noted that “citizens should not relax as regards the various preventive measures that are necessary to curb the spread of Coronavirus on the basis of the positive results recorded in Cyprus in recent days.”

It said that these categories of people should self isolate at home and limit their activities for reasons of public health:

  • People who tested positive to Covid-19 with mild or no symptoms will have the option to be taken to Eden Resort, Wellness, Rehabilitation Centre for isolation or to self-isolate at home until they are released.
  • People who have been identified as close contacts of a confirmed Coronavirus case following tracing by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit should also self-isolate for 14 days as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

In addition, the Health Ministry said that persons who arrive in Cyprus from countries other than those defined in Category A and B will also need to self-isolate for 14 days.

It was emphasised that those in self-isolation are obligated to comply with the relevant decree and adhere to the relevant instructions issued. Guidelines for self-isolation at home can be found here and here.

“It is noted that to prevent the resurgence of the virus and to return to normality, all citizens must continue to strictly adhere to hygiene regulations. The strategy for the easing of measures depends on our individual and collective responsibility,” the Ministry concluded.