Saturday, June 6, 2020


Philenews 6 June 2020

Precautionary Instructions from COVID-19 for Dance Schools issued by the Ministry of Health.

General measures
  • General instructions for dealing with coronovirus (SARS-CoV-2) in workplaces can be found on the website of the press and information office(
  • Security Officer – The administration of each dance school should determine the security officer. The officer shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation and compliance of the following measures.
  • The safety officer undertakes the temperature control (with a non-contact thermometer) on the students entering the dance school. (If the temperature is >37.3to be re-checked in 10-15 minutes. If it remains at the same levels do not enter the dance school and contact the Personal Physician)
  • The security officer also undertakes the daily recording of incoming persons and schedules the space and functions and opening hours in order to:
1. Avoid crowding within space and i/o

2. To divide teams and employees as far as possible into a fixed schedule to facilitate the detection and tracing process in the event of an outbreak.

  • If any person has any of the following symptoms or has been in contact with a person/s who has/if the following symptoms or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 then they should not come to the dance school.
    • Fever >37.3o                                                  
    • Cough
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Brains
    • Malaise
    • Avesia/Anosmia
  • It is recommended that all individuals and employees be examined at home before taking over the school. If they experience any of the above symptoms, they should stay at home for self-monitoring and communication with their personal physician.
  • The dance school is responsible for the supply of all the necessary materials and equipment for the protection of individuals and the environment as well as 1. For the training of individuals with regard to precautionary and protective measures and 2. Monitoring compliance with these measures.
  • It is recommended that there is a period of time between the contiguous sections in order to avoid crowding at the entrance and exit of the site, as well as good natural ventilation and cleaning of the space
  • The minimum distance between people dancing should be GREATER than 2 meters. The reason is that potentially contaminated respiratory droplets may be exhaled with greater force during exercise/dancing and therefore for safety reasons should be taken into account at the dance school. If physical contact is required, dancers are required to wear a mask and disinfect their hands before and after the dance.
  • All precautionary measures should be followed in accordance with the health sport protocol of the HR
  • There should be systematic and adequate ventilation at regular intervals (Open windows). The use of air conditioners shall be carried out in accordance with the protocol
  • Travel – Members of the dance school are prohibited from travelling in vehicles exceeding three passengers depending on the decree and ventilation measures should be taken within the means of transport.
Personal hygiene and disinfection

  • Entrance/Exit to dance areas with hand hygiene application: Installation of alcoholic solutions (with alcohol content >60%) and apply necessary hygiene of the hands when entering and leaving the room.
  • Before and after dressing and dancing, both the teacher and the student must wash and disinfect their hands.
  • There will be hand disinfection stations with the necessary products (alcohol gel >60% concentration)
  • Personal items including snacks and water must be stored in special areas. Food (meals and snacks) should be in individual closed portions. Each person is responsible for carrying with him the personal isothermal canteen (thermos) and water bottle with his name written. During breaks it is recommended to have breaks with small groups and avoid overcrowding during feeding. Hand washing is recommended before and after feeding and avoiding the exchange of items and food. It is recommended that the security officer monitor compliance with the measures and help share the stored food with individuals.
  • It is important to ensure that school students have enough space when they eat to keep the intended distances. The break area is good, if possible and the weather conditions allow it, to be external.

Disinfection of sites/Objects

  • The use of wood flooring (parquet) is preferred over those by plastic. Both the flooring and other areas should be cleaned daily and regularly in accordance with the Health Cleaning Protocol of the Ministry of Health
  • All spaces used for the needs of the school should be disinfected before and after entry to them by the students. Appropriate materials must be used for this cleaning (for example, Chlorine based products 1:20 dilution or alcohol >60% concentration)
  • The management of the school is responsible for the sinks in the toilets to always have a bottle of liquid soap and disposable paper towels which must be discarded in bins next to the washbasins. It is recommended to avoid overcrowding in the toilets as well.
  • There should be systematic and adequate ventilation on the site continuously or at regular intervals. The security officer should indicate the appropriate spaces for each part of the school taking into account the square meters and the distance that individuals must have between them (one person per 8 square and 2 meters distance between them).
  • Equipment – All equipment (which must have been reduced to necessary) should be disinfected. It is the responsibility of the equipment holder.
  • Careful and frequent cleaning of common objects (e.g. door knobs, lift buttons, etc.). Also all objects as well as clothing, footwear to be used by the dancers/teachers for the needs of the school, must first have been disinfected in accordance with the health protocol: using the necessary materials. The same applies to clothing that students bring with them to school.

General Instructions

Showing Symptoms to Student/Staff at The Dance School  What should be done?

  • Direct contact with parents/guardians to receive their student
  • Isolation of the student/staff member in a planned and predetermined well ventilated area away from the rest using a surgical mask
  • Application of hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene
  • Direct communication with the Personal Physician
  • For emergencies to be called in 1420
  • Careful cleaning and disinfection of countries and surfaces using RES (mask, gloves and robe) after the departure of the student/staff
  • During the transport of the student or member of staff (suspect covid-19 case) the use of a mask by all occupants of the vehicle and the natural ventilation with open windows are required.
  • After the passengers leave the vehicle, it is necessary to disinfect the interior of the vehicle